16: New Things

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Today's officially Saturday, and Hosanna agreed to go on that date with Adam. She is currently getting ready with the help of two little girls.

"Anna, I think you should wear this dress. It reminds me of Spring, and I believe God is going to do something new in your life." Eden says pointing at the yellow sundress with pink flowers covered all over it.

"And you need to wear these red heels with it too!" Ruby said picking up two beautiful red heels from out the closet.

"Wow, thank you, my little helpers. You could be fashion matchmakers one day!" Hosanna grabs the dress, and shoes carry them to the bathroom.

"Thank you, I try my best." Ruby replied in a posh accent making Eden giggle.

"Ruby, you're so funny." Eden says.

Hosanna exits the bathroom and walks over to her makeup table and sits down. Her hair was done in a fishtail braid, "I want to thank you again for your two help." She smiled as she puts on her silver earrings.

Ruby and Eden were sitting on her bed, "No problem, mommy. I just hope this Adam guy treats you right."

Eden nodded silently agreeing.

Hosanna doesn't wear a lot of makeup she prefers being all natural. But when she does wear makeup it's usually always nude color, natural.

After she finished putting on her lipstick, she opens her jewelry box and picks out her cross necklace.

She puts it on and gets up from the seat turning around to the girls, "This is it, what do you think?" She asked them.

They jumped off the bed and shouted.



She grinned, "You two are so sweet."

Ruby jumps up and down and gasped, "That dress really brings out your green eyes!"

Hosanna and Eden giggled.


Adam parks in front the of the house and gets out the car, "I hope she likes chocolate." He takes a deep breath and makes his way up the porch.

"Lord, please, calm my heart." He whispers then pressed the doorbell.

The door opens to reveal Michael, "Hi, she upstairs getting ready. You can wait in the living room as I go up to let her know you're here."

Adam smiled, "Thank you." He says entering the foyer.

*Knock, knock* 

All three females turn their head toward the door, "Come in!"

Michael opens the door, "Adam, is waiting in the living room for you."

Ruby takes Eden's hand, "Come on, Eden, we need to meet this mystery guy before they leave!" She said and pulled Eden along with her out the door past Michael.

"Michael, thank you for letting me know. Remember, you're in charge while I'm gone if anything happens, I'll leave my phone number so you can call on the house phone. But I'm pretty sure I won't be gone that long."

He nodded, "I understand, this isn't the first time I had to babysit kids."

Hosanna turns around and tilts her head, "You had to babysit before?" She knows he was adopted once and then after that he only lived in two foster homes before her.

"Yeah, my last foster home before here, the people had four kids that were younger than and two that were older than me. I would have been classified as the middle child while the two older ones are in their late teens and were too busy sometimes. So, the responsibility was put on me... well, before they send me off."

A frown crossed Hosanna's face, "I'm sorry, Michael, you had to grow up at such a young age."

He shrugged, "Yeah, but I was never like kids my age and everything I been through led me here." He grinned, Hosanna smiled and nods, "I'm happy, you are okay with the fact that I adopted you, and now you, Eden, Ruby, and I are a family!"

He uncrossed his arms, "If I'm being honest, I thought I wouldn't get adopted again, but I guess God had a plan." Hosanna grabbed her purse, "God always has a plan and he'll never leave you."

Michael's eyes start to water but he tried to hold it, not wanting to cry in front of her, "I know that now, his word is true." He replies with a steady tone, sniffling.

When Hosanna enters the living room, she saw the sweetest thing, "Ruby was sitting on Adam's lap and Eden was seated next to him. She could tell that Ruby was talking his ear off with how flushed his face looked.

Eden turns her head to see Hosanna smiling, "Anna!" She shouts getting the other two attention. Ruby hops down from his lap and ran toward her, "Mommy, he's definitely a keeper." She tried to whisper but Adam heard giving a small chuckle.

Hosanna bends down to her level, "Well, I'm happy you like him." Ruby nodded, "I do, and so does Eden." She says pointing at the blonde girl.

Adam stands up and walks over to them, "Hosanna, you look amazing." He smiled.

"Thank you, Adam, and you look handsome yourself." She said giggling.

"Should we go? Oh, this is for you, I almost forgot." He says handing her the box of chocolates. She nods and sets them down on the coffee table, "I hope you don't mid the kids having any." He shook his head still smiling.

"I don't mind."

Ruby's eyes lit up, she loves candy. Eden saw her reaction and lays a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

The soon to be couple left to go on their date and Michael waved them bye before shutting the door and made sure to lock it.

Now it's just the kids.

Michael walked in the living room to see Ruby already trying to get into the box of chocolates.

"What are you doing?" He asked taking it from her and looking at the box.

"Mommy asked Adam if we could have any and he that he didn't mind." She said and grabbed it back from him, unwrapping the ribbon and takes the lid off, "Eden, do you want one?"

Eden shook her head, "No thank you, but thank you though."

Michael picked up the remote and switched on the tv.

Ruby goes to sit beside him on the couch, and he glanced at her, "Make sure to not get any of that on the couch."

She nodded and took a bite of a little chocolate cube with caramel filling inside.

"Hmm, want one Michael?"

The boy scrunched his face and shook his head, "No, thank you." He's never been big on chocolate or any kind of candy really.

It's 10:30 p.m. and Hosanna and Adam left around 7:00 p.m. so they should be back at any time. Michael sent the girls off to bed an hour ago, they should have gone to bed at 8:00 o' clock but he thought it would be okay to let them stay up a little, those few pieces of candy made Ruby a bit hyped, so it was kind of hard to get her to lie down.

Michael offered to read them a bedtime story from one of the books he found in the library.

The twelve-year-old is now sitting in his own bed and is being reminded of the conversation Hosanna and him had earlier before she left.

"He'll never leave nor forsake you." The boy smiled and finally laid down to get some sleep. He knows tomorrow Ruby and Eden will want to know how the date went, and honestly, he's also little curious too.

Will they have a stepfather?





Revelation 21:5 Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." And He said to me, "Write, for these words are true and faithful."

Hebrew 13:5 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." 

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