31: Action and Words Really Do Have Consequences

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The Loudspeaker: "Will Jake Tanner and Steven Banker come to the principal's office."

Steven looked at Jake who was already staring at him. The teacher glanced at the both of them, "What are you waiting for? Go to the principal's office."

Steven stands up and walks out the classroom, the teacher looked at Jake, "Jake, I said go to the principal's office." Jake rolled his eyes and went to follow Steven.

Steven was speed walking when Jake caught up to him.

"Why in such a rush, Steve?" 

Steven doesn't respond irking something in Jake.

"Are you deciding to become mute too or something? You never ignore me." 

"Shh, I'm thinking Jake, we are so in trouble." Steven has never been to the principal's office before, "My dad is going to be so mad." He whispered.

Jake examined his friends face and saw the anxious look in his pupils. He couldn't help but to feel a little bad but that's just it, he felt a 'little' bad.

"Listen, keep quiet and let me do all the talking." He says while putting a hand on his shoulder. Steven gave him a look, then squints his eyes at him, "It was your talking that got us in trouble in the first place."

Jake slowly takes his hand off his shoulder and chuckled.

"Don't act like your innocent because we both know you're not."

"I know I'm not!" Steven yells then slapped his hand over his mouth for being loud. The boys finally arrived at the front office.

The lady at the desk smiled at them, "How can I help you?"

"Lisa, they can come in my office." They looked to see Mr. Robison, the principal standing outside his office door. "Oh, okay, you two can go." She sweetly smiled at them, Jake doesn't recognize her, she must be new.

He opens the door for them to enter his office. Jasper and Mattias was already in there sitting in two of the chairs, "Please take a seat boys." Principal Robison says as he goes to sit down at his desk.

Steven wastes no time to sit down. He did a quick glance to the siblings beside him and gazes down at his legs. Jake stood there with his arms crossed, "Please, take a seat Jake." This might be Steven's first time in the principal's office, but Jake was no stranger to being called to the principal's office.

Jake walks to the chair and sits down still with his arms crossed, "Now may be the problem?" He asks all the boys. 

Jasper was eager to speak and tell him everything, "Those two were bullying my brother in the bathroom. Making fun of him for preferring not to speak, he was a selective mute and wrote everything down or use his phone to communicate with others." 

Mattias was surprised at how much boldness Jasper was showing. He's usually timid and shy, it seems that when there is injustice that's when his boldness really shines.

Principal Robison looked over at Mattias and asked, "Was a selective mute?"

The boy nodded then glanced at the other two boys and looked back the principal.

"Yes, sir." 

Steven eyes widened as Jake smirked, "Oh, you finally stopped pretending like you can't speak?" 

"Jake, enough from you." Robison scolded.

Jake shrugs and tilted his head to the side.

"I- I'm done being silent." Mattias says and looks at the two boys that made last week miserable for him. "I'm a new person now. I'm not afraid of you guys, not anymore."

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