13: Not One, Not Two, But Three!?

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It's a beautiful Sunday morning, Hosanna decided to wake up early before the children and take a drive around the town looking for a church. She misses the one she attended in New York, pastor Frank was a really good friend, and his church was Holy Spirit filled.

Every time she entered his church she felt the spirit.

She hopes to find the perfect church to take the kids to on Sundays.

"Father, guide me to where I need to be, In Jesus Name, I pray, amen." Hosanna prayed, later she pulled into the parking lot of the church. 

People were already there dressed in their church outfits waiting for the sermon to begin. As she walks past some people, she could feel their eyes on her, which were understandable since they never saw her around before.

Hosanna also made sure she wore the appropriate outfit of course, but going to church is about worshipping and praising God. Not about what's the best outfit to wear, you could be rags and attend church if you're interested in knowing God's word. 

God cares about the heart, the inside not the outer appearance. 

It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, if your inside is ugly.

The church was pretty small, but Hosanna liked it. She just hoped it's the right one for her and the kids.

"Hosanna?" Hosanna turned around at the sound of her name and smiled when she sees Adam walking toward her matching her smile.

"Adam, you go to this church?"

He nodded, "Yes, I've been going to this church ever since I was a little boy. Pastor Rylan and his wife Teresa are also good friends of mine." He finishes and they hear someone clear their throat, "Oh, right, Hosanna, this is my nephew, Joshua."

She smiled at the young boy who looked to be around Michael's age, "Hello, Joshua."

"Hello, mam." He gives her a toothy smile.

Adam sighs and looked at her, "I'm watching him for my brother." Hosanna nodded.

"Anyway, what are you doing here?"

She laughs, "Well, I thought it would be a good idea to find a church to attend before school starts for the kids." She tells him looking around, "This is definitely one that I'll be considering." Adam grinned, "Well I hope you do. I love this church and I'm certain you'll love it too." He says making her giggle.

Joshua scrunched up his nose and shook his head.

He was going to say something, but Adam quickly covers his mouth, "It was nice talking to you, Hosanna, we'll see you in there." Hosanna watched him walk away with Joshua.

"Ok..." She tilts her head.


Hosanna sits down and the choir starts singing.

Adam and Joshua were sitting a few rows ahead of her. Adam turns his head to look behind him and waved at her, she waves back. He faces forward and they continued to listen to the choir sing and after a while Pastor Rylan starts to speak.

Hosanna smiled and made a note to listen intently.


Michael was still asleep in bed last night he stayed up a little too late reading a book he found in the library, he eventually passed out with the book beside him.

Anyway, he might be asleep but two little girls are wide awake and full of energy.

"Where did miss Anna go?" 

"I don't know, this is the first for me too and I haven't been here that long." Eden shrugged walking downstairs with Ruby. They've been looking everywhere for her but, nothing, nowhere to be seen.

Eden eyes start to water a bit, "Y- you don't think she l- left us, do you?"

"Of course not! I might have known her that long, but I do know she won't ever leave us." Ruby replied with confidence and a sure look on her face.

The assurance on Ruby's face calmed Eden's heart and she sighed nodding.

"You're right." 

Ruby tapped her chin with her index finger, Eden watched her pace back and forth. The little red head hummed, "Follow me to the fridge!" She said running to the kitchen.

"Ruby, what are you doing?"

"I'm looking for the pancake mix." She replied grabbing a stool and walking over to the counter, Ruby got on top of the stool and stood up tall, "Be careful, Ruby, that can be very dangerous." Eden told her as she held the stool in place for her. The Gardener girl doesn't want her new friend to get hurt.

"Thank you, Eden, I think the pancake mix is in one of these cabinets."

"I don't think this is such a great idea, Ruby. Do you know how to cook?" 

"In the matter of fact, yes, I do. My old neighbor, miss Helga taught me when I was very young." Ruby says as she grabs the mix from out of the cabinet and getting down.

"And pancakes were one of the first things she taught me."

Eden still wasn't sure about this but nods and gave a tight smile.

"Ok, do you know where the bowls is?"

"How many pancakes are you making?" The girl asked as she went to look for a nice bowl size. Ruby shrugged, "One big enough for four people." 

Eden lets out a sigh and prays to God, "Heavenly Father, I pray that this all works out fine, In Jesus Name, I pray, amen."


The church service was over, and Adam introduced Hosanna to Rylan and Teresa who were very kind. Hosanna was on her way home when her phone starts to ring, so she pulled over to answer it, "Hello?" 

"Hello, miss Foster, this judge Levi and I called to tell you that neither of the children biological family are fit to take care of them, so you do have rights to adopting them."

I'm not sure how adoption goes, so I don't know if this is right, sorry if this is not accurate.

Hosanna was so frilled that she wanted to scream, "Thank you, judge Levi! Wait..."

"Yes, miss Foster?"

"So, I get to adopt all three of them?"

"Yes, all three are now in your care, you take good care of them children. They had hard times." His voice was tough and stern at the beginning than it became soft at the end causing her to smile at how caring of a person judge Levi is.

"I will, thank you again!" She hanged up, "Yes!" She squealed and praised God.

"Joy, joy, joy, oh thank you Lord Jesus. My Lord and Savior, you are the best, you are best, you are the best, you are the... BEST!!!" She happily sang as she drove all the way home, "You are the Alpha and Omega! The Beginning and the End! Thank you for loving me and I love you!" She laughs gleefully.

"You are the best, you are the best, you are the best, you are the... Best!!!" 

Hosanna parks the car in the driveway and gets out still in a joyful mood. Little does she know that she'll be in for another surprise.




How do you think Hosanna will react with finding out about the surprise the girls made for her at home? I'll like to know what you think.

God Bless You :)

I Hope you have a Lovely Day!

Jesus Loves You 🤍

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