3: A New Start

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When Hosanna steps foot inside the foyer, she was flooded with memories from her childhood.


"Anna! Anna! Slow down, I'm not as fast as you!" 

"Henry, it's called tag! If I slow down, then that will make it too easy for you!" 

"That's not fair! I'm six and you're eleven!" The little boy stops chasing his sister and stumped his foot. Hosanna also stops and turns around looking at him, "Your legs are longer than mine!" Henry crossed his arms.

"Aww, I'm sorry, Hen."  Hosanna walks toward him and pats his head gently.

Henry stares at the floor making her kneel in front of him, "Please forgive me, I wasn't thinking."  Hosanna frown turned into a smile, "How about we play another game?"

Henry glanced at her and shrugs, "Like what?"

Hosanna thought about it for a second, "I know how about hide and seek?"

A bright smile appears on the boy's face, "Ok, I forgive you! You count while I go and find a hiding place."

"Ok, you go hide and I'll count to twenty." Hosanna says standing up and turning her back to him, "1...2... 3...4... 5." As Hosanna counts Henry sneaks away to go and find a hiding place. Hosanna's grandmother walks out the kitchen, "Hosanna, what are doing in here and where's Henry." She asks looking around for her youngest grandchild.

"Henry was upset because he couldn't catch me when we were playing tag. I suggested we play hide and seek so that's what we're doing." Hosanna said. Grandma Foster smiles, "Well, that was nice of you. I'll leave you to your game." Hosanna nodded and continues to count until she reached twenty.

Flashback Over

Hosanna breathed in and let out a sigh. 

"I should go grab my bags." She runs down the porch stairs to the car, "That traffic was sure a long one, it's already nighttime."  Hosanna grabs her suitcases and walks back inside.

Hosanna just remembered, "Father and mother wanted me to call them once I arrived." She sets the suitcases down, "They're probably in bed right about now." 

She hummed. 

"I don't want to disturb their sleep." She mumbles to herself glancing at the clock on the wall. Hosanna unzips one of her suitcases and takes out her pajamas and walks to the bathroom to change. The house has seven bedrooms and two of them has their own bathrooms. Hosanna will be sleeping in the room that used to belong to her grandparents.

The other six bedrooms will be transformed into a nice place for the children.

When Hosanna walks out the bathroom she gets in bed, "I'll call them tomorrow, I hope they'll understand." Putting her hand together she prayed, "Father God, thank you for this chance, a new start. I thank you for letting take care of kids who need a home or place to stay, And I pray that my family are ok with me not calling them tonight. In Jesus Name I pray, amen."

She pulls the covers over herself and closes her eyes.

Birds could be heard chirping from outside the window, Hosanna slowly opens her eyes. 

She turns on her back and stretches.

After Hosanna called her parents to let them know she got there safely she decided to clean the house since it definitely needed some cleaning.

It hasn't been clean for a few years.

Hosanna hums as she vacuums the living room, she could feel her phone vibrate in her pocket. She stops what she's doing and takes the phone, "Hello?" She answered.

Hosanna eyes widened, "Really?" 

"Yes, miss Foster, tomorrow I'll be coming with Michael. He's twelve years old and doesn't much." The social worker said. Hosanna wanted to scream in pure joy, but she composed herself.

"Ok! Everything will be ready for your arrival." She ends the call and runs upstairs to prepare one of the rooms for Michael.

"I hope he likes it." She says cleaning out the drawers and arranging some things around.

Hosanna was now sitting at the table eating dinner.

"Thank you, God, for this delicious meal." She stands up grabbing her plate and walked to the kitchen putting it in the sink.

Hosanna closes her bible and says a prayer, "Heavenly Father, I pray that tomorrow will be a marvelous day for Michael and please help me to make his time here very comfortable. In Jesus Name I pray, amen." She turns off the bedside lamp and goes to sleep. 





2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

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