23: All Lives Matter!

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Psalm 127:3 Behold, children are a heritage from the
                            The fruit of the womb is a reward. 
                        4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,                           
                            So are the children of one's youth. 
                        5 Happy is the man who has his quiver full
                           of them;
                           They shall not be ashamed,
                           But shall speak with their enemies in the

Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew
                               Before you were born I sanctified you;
                               I ordained you a prophet to the 



Aren't they adorable!

You just want to hug them and squeeze their cheeks.

How small they are, their big eyes, button nose, and how their laughter puts a smile your face.

The adorable innocent laughter of children warms the heart.

It is an amazing thing to give birth to another living breathing human being. Being able to give birth to life, is a beautiful thing.

Babies are beautiful.

And a beautiful and wonderful gift from God.

God made man and woman to procreate, and he has plan for your life, your baby's life and your family's life. 

Every life matters.


Hosanna was wiping down the counter while thinking about one day giving birth to a child. Don't get her wrong she loves Michael, Eden, Ruby and her other two foster kids but the thought of carrying a bundle of joy inside her for nine months made her feel warm all inside.

"Am I having baby fever?" Hosanna stopped wiping to think, she let out a giggle shaking her head and continues to wipe until her phone rang.

She paused putting the rag down and looked at her phone.

"Teresa, how are you doing?" Hosanna answered and continued to clean the counter, "No, I'm not busy, I'm just cleaning the kitchen, and the kids are over at Adam's house having a playdate with Joshua and his friends."

"Aww, Joshua's a good kid, Hosanna. Anyway, can you please come to the church?  There's this young woman that I want you to talk to."  Teresa voice went from sweet to sweet but serious.

Hosanna sat on one of the stools, "Who? And why do you want me to talk to her?" She asked concerned, "Her name's Sarah, and she's pregnant." Hosanna expression turned confused, "Pregnant? But that's a good thing, babies are a gift from God!" The Foster woman couldn't hold back the smile that came from her heart.

"That's actually what I told her but she's sitting here crying her eyes out because her husband doesn't want any children."

"Does he know?"

"Yes, and-" Teresa sniffles trying to hold back her own tears, "And he- he wants her to get rid of 'it' his words not mine." She whispered in the phone, "Hosanna, how can people be so mean? That baby is a baby! Not a it."  Hosanna can hear the irritation in the older woman's voice, and she of course didn't blame her, she felt the same way.

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