29: Becoming A Baker

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Jesus Loves You! 🤍🥰


Hosanna returned home from buying the bakery, "Today was a good day!" She entered the kitchen and looked at the clock, noticing it was almost time for the kids to come home. She jumps up and down, "I should prepare a batch of brownies for them." She says and quickly goes to get everything ready.


It's the end of the school and the bell rang signaling it was time to go home. Michael left the locker room with Joshua, and they walked together to the school bus.

When they stepped on the bus, Michael sat in the front and Joshua sits beside him.

Jasper stood out the school talking to Danny after a while he waved bye at him, "See you tomorrow, Jasper!" Danny says as he runs to his bus.

Jasper smiles and thought, 'I made a friend.' Mattias walked up to him.

You, okay?

Jasper nodded still smiling, "I made a friend, Mattias." He repeats out loud.

Mattias dried chuckled.

Let's head home

He lightly pulls his younger brother's arm as they walk to their school bus.

Since it was the first day of school, they weren't given homework and will continue to not get homework until next week.

The boys exit the yellow school bus and walked home.

Michael was the first to enter the house, "Mom, we're home!"

They entered the kitchen to see Hosanna wearing an apron and taking fresh baked brownies out of the oven, "Hi guys! I made brownies. They're hot though, so you have to wait." She says setting it on the counter.

She takes off her mittens and turn to them, "So, how was school? I want to hear all about." Hosanna grinned.

She noticed their bookbags are still on and said, "Put your bags away and get settled in first then at dinner you and the girls can tell me about your day."

They nodded and left to go upstairs to their bedrooms.


The girls came home a while ago, and Ruby hasn't stopped blabbering about her day.

"And- and Esmeralda was like 'WE GET TO PLAY OUT HERE!' and I was like 'YAY!' everyone looked at us like we were weirdos, but we didn't care." 

Everyone at the table laughed at the girl's enthusiasm.

"In door voices, Ruby." Hosanna reminded her.

"Sorry," She gave a bashful smile, then continued, "It was so fun, I didn't see Eden, but Esmeralda and I had fun on the jungle gym. The swings are my favorite, you up then you go down!" Ruby giggled.

"That's nice, Ruby, I'm glad you had fun on your first day of school." Hosanna turned to the boys and asked, "How about you boys, Michael, Mattias, Jasper, how was your day?"

Mattias was playing with his food while Jasper was in the middle of eating the spaghetti and the meatballs Hosanna made for them. The two boys glanced at Michael, when he met their eyes and sighed.

"It was really good mom, Josh and I have chess class together also soccer was fun. It turns out that Jasper made a friend, and Mattias," He paused and glances at quiet boy, "I'm not really sure how his day went." Mattias looked up and saw them all staring at him.

He puts a spoon full of spaghetti in his mouth and shrugged.

Hosanna smiled, "Well, okay, great! I also had something that happened today."

"Miss Anna, how was your day." Eden asks tilting her head.

"Mommy, what happened?" Ruby asked.

Everyone focused their gaze on their Hosanna.

"Well, while you all were at school, I went out on a search for a bakery that was on sale in the newspaper."

"A bakery?"

"Yes, I don't think I told you that before I was a foster parent, I used to own a bakery."

"That's so cool! You make the best sweets!" Ruby said.

"Thank you, Ruby. I miss having a bakery and making people happy, so I purchased this bakery today and this lovely woman named Hagar White sold it to me."

Ruby gasped, "We have a bakery!"

"Mom owns the bakery the Ruby." Michael tells the little girl with the sauce all over her face. 

"Yeah, but one day maybe she'll pass it down to one of us."

"Ruby, when you all get older than I might do that if either of you want to become a baker or any of your kids to inherit but you and your sibling will probably want to do something else." Hosanna softly lets her know.

Ruby thought about it then gasps again, "I know what I want to do now when I grow up!"

They looked at each than back at her, "And what is that?"

"Your apprentice! I want to be a baker too."

Everyone laughed.

"You sure?" Hosanna doesn't want to force her do something she doesn't actually want to do, "Being a baker isn't easy."

Ruby nods and takes a bite of her meatball, "I'm one hundred percent sure." She says with a full mouth then swallowed, "I'm all in, being a baker is what I want to do."

Hosanna nodded and smiles, "Okay, I'll have to teach how to bake and started at a young age is good." She looked at the others, "I can teach you guys too, if you want?"

"I would like to learn." Eden sheepishly says.

"I wouldn't mind either." Michael replied.

"I love sweets." Jasper said.

Mattias smiled and nods. "Amazing, one day we can all bake something together."


Once they finished dinner, the kids went to the living room to watch a movie before bed. Since Ruby was the one that decided for them to watch a movie, she got to pick the movie. Of course she picked a children movie.

Hosanna was washing the dishes and grinned when she heard laughing coming from the living room.

'This is nice.' She thought to herself.

Hosanna's now lying in bed after putting the kids to bed and praying.

"Tomorrow will be a wonderful day."

She closed her eyes and drifts off to sleep.





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