11: Like A Sleepover!

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Henry and Steven just finished questioning Eden and are now getting ready to leave. Hosanna is seeing them out, "I hope you find this woman."

Henry turns around and nods, "We hope so too." Steven looked at the siblings, "Henry, I'll be waiting in the car." He says and walks off the porch.

Hosanna sighs, "I just want that little girl and her brother to get justice for what happened." Henry nodded his head having a stern look in his eyes, "And justice will be served. We just have to get in touch with her brother and then we'll have all the information we'll need." He smiled and turned to leave but then he remembered.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you."

Hosanna's head perked up, "Marriam, she is doing a fantastic job at the bakery." She smiled brightly, "Thank you, I'll make sure to give her call later."

"Talk to you later, sis." He grins, he goes to get in the car and after a while him and Steven left the house. And Hosanna's phone rang surprising her, "Hello?"

"You're talking to her." Hosanna wonders what this is about, "Yes, of course we have room. Ok, I'm looking forward to meeting her."

"Thank you, I'll be sending you her file over email."

"Great! Bye." The person ended the call.

Hosanna wanted to squeal since she's happy to open her home to another child and give them a loving environment, but a wave of sadness overcame her, "I'm so happy to be able to take care of these kids but at the same time. My heart can't help but hurt for them."


Eden was coloring in her coloring book when Hosanna walks in the room smiling. She bends beside the girl watching her color, "What are you coloring?"

"A beautiful garden." She replies as she colors in the tree.

"Beautiful indeed. Umm, I know you only been here for a real short time, but I was wondering if you would be okay with sharing your room with someone?"

Eden tilts her head up toward her, "Like who?" Eden has never shared her room with someone before, she has never even had a sleepover with anyone even though she's gotten along with everyone at school, teachers and students.

"There's this girl name Ruby Julia, she's three years younger than you and will be arriving tonight, yes, I know we have plenty of bedrooms, but I think it will be good for you two to share." Hosanna would like the two girls to get along and become friends.

Eden does something that catches Hosanna off guard, she stands up and almost screams, "Yes! Please, miss Foster, I would love to be her roommate!" She hugs her and squeals loudly.

"This will be like a sleepover!"

Hosanna smiles at how much joy a kid can show, Eden is the representation of the word innocence. The Foster remembered what Eden said during the questioning, it overwhelmed her, and she just wanted to lay down and cry.


"Mister Detective, I don't feel any hate for the person who did this to my parents. I just want to know why, because of what they did, my brother and I are separated and probably won't see each other again. He promised me we would, and I also want to believe... and I do." Eden wipes the tears from her eyes, Steven hands her a Kleenex, "Thank you." Her voice was very soft and almost cracked.

"This is reality..." She continues, "And I see that now. I forgive them, I'm not gonna let this sad situation harden my heart and I'm not going to let this ruin my trust in others. But I learned that I need to be careful with who I let in, bad company corrupts good morales. I also learned that you never know who wants to hurt you and the others around you." Eden looked at both of the detectives with this faraway look.

"At the end of the day, justice will be served."

Flashback Over

When twenty-nine-year-old heard that, it sent shivers down her back, but not in a bad way.

Eden is a mature nine-year-old, but she also knows how to still be a kid unlike Michael who practically lives in the library. If he's not in his bedroom than he's doing whatever in the library, then comes out during lunch and dinner.

Hosanna hopes she can get him more out of his shell and make him feel comfortable enough to be a kid, a twelve-year-old, reading is awesome and all. She loves reading and using her imagination, but the boy seems so closed off, he's to open up more.

"Well, I'm glad to hear it. I'll leave alone to continue your coloring." Hosanna stands up and walks out the door, Eden was too excited to continue coloring instead she danced around the room, spinning and jumping.

"I'm getting a roommate! It's going to be like a sleepover! My first sleepover!" She sang as she danced in circles.

"And checkmate." Michael was a little bored so he thought playing chess by himself would make him less bored. Hosanna enters the library and starts calling out for him when she doesn't immediately see him which confused her since she was pretty sure this was where he went after talking to Henry.

"I thought he went back in here?" She says scratching her head.

Michael comes out of the secret place, "I am!" Hosanna sees him crawl out from under the tree bookshelf and walk over to her, Hosanna smiled, "You found Henry's old hiding room."

He nodded, "Yeah, I really like it. A place I can go to be alone." He smiled.

She laughed, "Well, it's all yours, however long you're here for." Michael grinned, "What did you call me for?" Hosanna eyes widened, "Right, tonight we'll be having another child staying with us. She's six and will be sharing a room with Eden who was ecstatic knowing she'll be having a roommate."

Michael nodded and then pouts, "Ah, great, two little girls running around and one me." He states sarcastically.

"Ooh, you'll be alright." She ruffles his head causing him to fix his already shaggy hair. She giggled and skips over to the door, "Dinner's in an hour."

Michael looks around and decides to stay and read something.

"I think I'm going to be just fine living here after all." He grabs a random book from the bookshelf and goes to sit down in one of the green couches.




Michael's coming out of his shell, yay! That didn't take long :)

Do you think Eden and Ruby will get along?

I hope you have a Blessed Day!





Romans 12: 17 Repay no evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. 18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord. 20 Therefore

                "If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
                 If he is thirsty, give him a drink;
                 For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head."

21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

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