10: Miss Helga

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Ruby Julia Rose was minding her business, doing what kids her age do. Playing with her toys and is currently in the middle of having a tea party with Miss Giraffe, mister Elephant, and Anne, her toy baby doll that her sweet old neighbor, Helga gave her.

Miss Helga is such a sweet old woman, she has offered to babysit Ruby plenty of times and she gave her a bunch of toys that used to belong to her kids when they were young, and they're in good condition too, looking all brand new.

Ruby Julia is an only child, which can be lonely sometimes because her parents don't show her that much attention unless she's done something wrong.

She usually stays in her room to avoid running into either of them, but it would be nice to feel their love for her but all she gets is a cold shoulder from them.

This has been going on for as long as she can remember, it started at two, now she'll be turning six tomorrow and she's not expecting much. Her parents are businesspeople, that's their job and that's what takes up most of their time.

Ruby still loves them though, and hope one day they'll change.

"Miss Giraffe gets two cubes of sugar for her tea and mister Elephant gets zero." She turns her head to her baby doll, "And Anne also gets two sugar cubes. Now lastly but not least, I will give myself two one sugar cube." She says dropping a fake sugar cube in her plastic cup.

Ruby pouts, "Too bad we don't have any cake." Then her eyes lit up.


Ruby skips down the steps and ran over to her parents who were sitting on the sofa together, "Mom, Dad, can you make me a cake for my birthday tomorrow?" She asks pulling on her mother's sleeve, Nancy was looking through papers while her husband was talking on the phone to someone, probably business related.

"We'll see dear, mommy and daddy are very busy." Nancy says in a dry tone, Ruby pouted, "But- my birthday, you're always working." 

William sighs, turning to face his daughter, "Ruby, can you please keep it down? I'm on the phone with someone very important."

Ruby can't help but wonder why they never want to spend time with her, it's always just work, work, work. How about showing your kid some love? 'What did I do to get treated this way?' She opened her mouth to say something but one look from her mother makes her think twice.

"We'll see what happens tomorrow." Nancy whispers down at her, making the frown on the little girl's face turn into a bright smile.

"Yaaay!" Ruby shouts jumping up and down in excitement.

"RUBY!" William yells taking the phone away from his ears. Ruby covers her mouth, "Sorry." She apologized and spun around running upstairs to her bedroom.

William sighed and spoke back in the phone, "I'm sorry, Mat, that was my daughter. Ok, my wife and I will be on the first flight there tomorrow."

Nancy's head snaps in his direction him. William saw her looking at him and gives her a light smile and goes to squeeze her hand.

"Yeah, great! see you there." 

Nancy bit her lip when she felt a sinking feeling in her the pit of her stomach, but she shook it off and smiled at husband.


The young red head woke up around 6:00 a.m. in a cheerful mood. She picked out a birthday outfit for today since it's her birthday! A colorful dress with the words Happy Day written on it, colorful tights with flowers on them, and a bow for her hair.

After washing up and brushing her teeth she sat in front her mirror and brushed her long hair. She hums a song that miss Helga sang to her when she was younger, "It's my birthday!" She throws her hands in the air after she was done brushing.

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