30: Don't Listen to Bullies

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Matthew 10:28 "Don't be afraid of those who want to kill
                           your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear
                           only God, who can destroy both soul and body
                           in hell.


It's the beginning of the third week and Hosanna woke up early, got the kids ready for school and then after waving them each goodbye she drove to the bakery, her new bakery.

"Hi, my name is Apricot Williams." A peppy ginger was sitting across from Hosanna.

This is the fifth person she interviewed.

Hosanna gave a friendly smile, "Apricot? That's a lovely name. Why should I hire you?" She got to the point there is no time to be wasted.

"Oh, like that? Okay, umm, I love cupcakes and when I was eleven, I used to help my grandma bake before she passed away."

"I'm sorry about your lost." Hosanna frowned.

Apricot shook her head, "It's okay, it was a few years ago. I cried enough tears." Her eyes teared up a bit. Hosanna handed her a tissue, "It's okay to cry." She says as Apricot dabs her eyes.

"Thank you. I'm sorry, I'm not being very perfectional." 

"Like I said it's okay to cry. I cried when my grandparents passed away." 

Apricot appreciated Hosanna's comforting words.

Hosanna continues by reading her application, "Here it says you are twenty-one with a high school diploma but nothing about college. Ever thought about going to college?"

The young woman shook her head, "No, college never interested me and... it's too much money. I've been searching for a job ever since I graduated college. When I was in high school, I used to work at this ice cream shop, but it soon went out of business a week before me graduating."

Hosanna nodded and asked, "Tell me about yourself?" Her smile gets bigger, "If I hire you, I'll like us to become friends." 

Apricot smiles at the older woman across from her.


Lunch Time

Joshua was serious about teaching Naomi about chess, so serious that he brought his chess board and pieces to school so he could teach her at lunch.

Just so you know, I don't know how to play chess.

"This piece goes here, and this piece goes here, do you understand now?" He asked her.

The confusion on Naomi's face told him everything.

"Naomi, were even paying any attention to what I said?"

Naomi scrunched her face as she stared at the chess board. "I think so. Let's play a game." She says grinning up at him, "Already?" He questions, he's surprised at how ready she is. She nods, "I'm ready."

Michael was smiling as he watched the two play chess and turned his head to Jasper and Danny.

"Jasper, this is amazing! I think history is going to go from being my least favorite to my most favorite subject in the world now." Jasper felt giddy on the inside, "I'm happy this changed your mind about history."

Danny grinned as he read the book of Genesis, "Why don't they teach this in school instead?"

Jasper shrugged, not fully understanding himself.

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