15: Don't Worry About Tomorrow

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Bless God! Hosanna is so grateful to God, first he lets her have the opportunity to foster children and now she was given the chance to adopt three of those children. She understands that she hasn't been with Michael, Eden, and especially Ruby for that long, but she loves them so much already, and it felt like the right thing to do, to adopt them.

So, they can officially be a family.


"Father, thank you for sending these wonderful kids my way!" Hosanna danced around house dusting everything off while the kids are outback enjoying the cake she had made, "I will love them, take care of them, and cherish them!"

Ruby and Eden sat on the old swing eating the delicious vanilla cake that Hosanna made to celebrate the adoption.

Michael was sitting a few feet from them on the grass reading a book. Ruby stared at him wondering what it is he is reading, "Michael, what are you reading?"

"A book about different kinds of flowers and what their seeds look like." Eden's head snaps to him and if you were paying attention, you would have saw her eyes lit up, "A book about flowers? Where did you get that, Michael?"

"From the library." He says turning the page.

Eden takes the last bite of her piece of cake and gets off the swing, "Where're you going, Eden?  Hey, wait for me!" Ruby was also finished with her cake and quickly goes to follow her sister.

As Hosanna dusted, she decides to play some music, Christian R&B.

Eden and Ruby entered the house through the kitchen backyard door, "Do you think mommy will let us plant more flowers in the backyard?" 

"Maybe if we ask her, I love flowers!" 

Ruby nodded, "Me too, they're so beautiful. When my old babysitter miss Helga used to watch me, I would help take care of her garden where she grew not only flowers but fruits and veggies too!" 

Eden washed their dishes and puts them in the dish rack to dry.

"That's cool, when I grow up, I want to own my own florist shop."

The red head girl eyes grew in amazement, "Wow, I've never even thought of what I wanted to do when I grow up. Eden, you already seem to have things figured out." The though hasn't even crossed her mind, most kids say, 'I want to be this when I grow up,' but Ruby grew up watching her parents come and go not having any time for her.

It was all about work, work, work.

Ruby wants to enjoy her childhood and not have to worry about the future.

Eden smiles and shakes her head, "Ruby, I don't have it all figured out. I'm still young like you but not even adults have everything figured out. I trust Jesus to lead the way, to guide me. I am focused on the present and tomorrow can wait."

Ruby grinned as she skips behind Eden as they make their way in the library room.

After two hours of cleaning Hosanna slumps down on the couch. 

"Ok, what's next?" She sighs, as she cleaned, she was also dancing to the music so she's out of breath, it was a workout mix with dusting. 

As she was thinking, her phone rang.


"It's nice to hear from you again today, Hosanna." Her eyes squint as she smiled.

"Hi, Adam." She giggled.


Adam couldn't get the Foster woman out of his mind since seeing her earlier at his church, actually she's been plaguing his mind since the very first day he laid eyes on her. They exchanged numbers and it was his nephew who convince him to call her.

His nephew who's like twelve years old.

Adam glanced over at Joshua who's busy playing a game on his laptop.

"Hi, I was calling to ask you if you're available on Saturday?"

"On Saturday? Why?" 

"B-because I want to know if you're willing to go on a date with me." He can see Joshua from the corner of his eye smirking, Adam rolled his eyes giving his own little smirk as he waits for a reply. 

"I think I'm free on that day, I'll let you know later." Joshua watched as a big smile grows on his uncle's face.

"And if the answers, yes?"

"...Then I'll love to go on a date with you, Adam Greenberg."

"Awesome! I'll be waiting for that call or text. Bye."


Joshua waits until hanged up, "So... what did she say?"

Adam looks away from his phone to the boy, "If she's free then it's a yes."

Joshua smiles and said, "Awesome! I might have an aunt!" Adam knows he's serious, Joshua and his older brother has wanted him to find someone and settle down for awhile now, and he's been busy with work and hasn't even been thinking about marriage.

But since he met Hosanna that all changed.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Josh, we haven't even gone on the date yet." Adam laughed.

Joshua shrugged, "Dear uncle, I feel like this is the beginning of something beautiful."

The older man rolled his eyes and gave a light smile, "Okay Joshua."





Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for
                         tomorrow will worry about its own things.
                         Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

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