6: Unexpected

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It has been a week since Michael was sent to live with Hosanna. A quiet week, Hosanna didn't mind though. Yes, her and Michael are opposites but at least she's not alone in this big house anymore, plus, she loves helping children in need.

Ever since she showed Michael the library, he's been spending most of his time in there. The only time she sees him is at breakfast, lunch and dinner then off to bed they go.

She feels sorry for the boy, she read his file, and it pained her heart. It's one thing when something like happens, but it's another thing when you yourself went through it and you're the only one that came out alive.

Experiencing that kind of trauma can mess someone up.

Hosanna prays that his heart will be healed, God has great things instore for him. 

Currently, Hosanna is in her room reading the bible.

"Lord, I pray that he learns to trust me." She whispered.

Michael was in his quiet place playing his flute to the Lord until he heard the doorbell ring. He ignored it and kept playing, 'Miss Foster will get it.' The bell rings a few more times. He gets up from off the floor and takes a deep breath.

Michael walks out the library and walks into the living room to take a peek out the window, "Miss Foster didn't mention any visitors." 

He opened the front door, "Hi." He greets the strange man.

Adam smiles, surprised, "Hi, you must be one of Hosanna's foster kids."

"Her only foster kid at the moment." 

Adam nodded, "I'm Adam Greenberg, it's nice to meet you." He goes for a handshake, but Michael's doesn't budge, "I'm not supposed to talk to strangers, I'll go get miss Foster." He says shutting the door, and runs upstairs to Hosanna's bedroom door and knocks.

Hosanna was still reading her bible until she heard a knock on the door.

Letting out a light sigh, she closed it and stands up, "It's open!"

Michael opens the door, "Some man is that the door. Says his name is Adam?"

"Adam? Michael, I told you not to answer the door for anyone. Come next time, okay." Hosanna frowns walking past him, Michael stood there shaking his head, "Okay." He mumbled watching her walk away.

Hosanna stops in front of the front door and takes a few breathes before opening it. Adam grinned when he saw the young baker woman, "Hosanna, it's nice seeing you again." Hosanna giggled, "Nice seeing you too, Adam. Can I ask, why the unexpected visit?"

Adam chuckled, "Can I come in?"

"Oh, yeah, sure. Wanna stay for dinner?" Hosanna asks letting him in, "Sorry, can't, maybe next time."

Michael makes his downstairs but stops on the steps watching them.

"I actually live not that far from here, I remembered you and decided to come check up on you. Looks like you have company." He says seeing Michael staring at him from the corner of his eye.

"Oh, yes, Michael come and introduce yourself." Michael walks next to Hosanna looking up at the tall man and held his hand out, "Hi, I'm Michael and I'm twelve years old. Nice to meet you sir." Adam shakes his hand, "Sir? No, call me Adam."

Michael cracks a smile, "Ok, Adam."

Adam looked back at the beautiful woman in front of him, "Well, I better get going, see you around miss Hosanna Foster." 

Hosanna giggles and nods.

Michael returns to the library and continued with playing his flute.


Hosanna and Michael are sitting at the dining table eating dinner. Hosanna glanced up at the boy and clears her throat, "Michael?"


"We'll be having a new face around the place." She prayed he'll take it well.

Michael his spoon down and ask calmly, "When?" He doesn't mind having other kids over, this is a foster home after all. He just likes to be notified before anything happens, he's not fond of surprises.

"Tomorrow, early afternoon." Hosanna nervously swallows.

The twelve-year-old eyes widened, "T- tomorrow?" That way too early for him to prepare himself but he composed himself, "Who are they?"

Hosanna smiled, "Well, I can tell that they're a girl around nine years old and yeah, that's it."

He groans, "Why didn't you notify me earlier?"

She takes a bite of her carrot and said, "It was kind of unexpected."

"Just like that man." He mutters and finishes his meal, "Thank you for the meal." He said getting up from the table.

"You're welcome."


Ben glanced in the rearview mirror at the little girl in the backseat as he drove down the road. The little nine-year-old girl stared down at the doll in her lap, tears streaming down her eyes, "Eden, we're almost there." Eden doesn't respond, instead she just sniffles.

He parks in front of the house, "Ok Eden, we have to get out." He says unbuckling his seatbelt and gets the car. 

"Come on, Eden, we're here." He tells her after opening the backseat door for her. Eden sat there in silence not moving, "Eden? Eden, come on, I don't have all day." He takes the seatbelt off of her and tries to pull her out, but she ends up screaming.

"Nooooo! I want my mommy and daddy!" She cries, Ben sighed.

He lowers himself so they're eye to eye, "Eden, you have to get out the car. We're at your new home for the time being. Miss Foster will take good care of you." He says in a soft voice.

"Where's Elliot? I want my brother." She cried holding her doll close to her chest.

"Elliot isn't here." That didn't make her crying seize, "But I can assure you he's also in good hands." He tries but she shook her head.

" You can't promise that! Don't make promises you can't keep!" 

Ben frowned knowing she's right.


They stood on the porch waiting for someone to open the door. Eden had her doll in one hand and pink suitcase in the other.

Someone opens the door, Ben smiles, "Hi, miss Foster, I'm Ben, Eden's social worker."




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