2: Moving to West Virginia

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Hosanna pulls up to her parents house and smiled when she saw her father's car in the driveway. She parks and looks in her side mirror to see Adam parked behind her, "Today is turning out to be very interesting." She takes the keys out and opens the door getting out. Adam follows in suit, and they made their way up to the rosy colored door.

"Do you want me to knock, or should I knock?" Hosanna asked the man.

"It's your parents house." Adam said.

"I guess you're right." She giggled.

Hosanna knocked on the front door, "Mom! Dad! You have visitor!" She yells.

"Do you have to yell like that?" Hosanna turns to look at him, "I don't have to, but I want them to know it's me." The door opens to reveal Erissa, Hosanna's mother, "Hosanna, it's nice for you to come. Did you close your bakery earlier?"

"No, left Mariam in charged. I didn't come alone, I brought a visitor with me. Mom, this is Adam Greenberg." She steps aside so he could introduce himself.

"Oh, hello." Erissa smiled at the new face.

"Hello, mam, may I come inside? There's something important I need to let you, and your husband know. Hosanna already knows but I want to tell with you both present."

Erissa stands to the side, "Yes, come in."


Adam cleared his throat, "This is Mr. and Mrs. Foster's Will, John and Beatrice Foster have given their estate over to their granddaughter Hosanna and everything in it. Also, their son and his family inherited their millions of dollars that you all can split." He finished reading the Will to them.

Hosanna smiled at her parents, "I get to finally be a foster parent and take care of kids who need a home or a place to stay."

Erissa nodded her head agreeing, "Yes, it was very kind of them to give you, their house."

"I agree with your mother, it'll be sad to see you leave far from us, but we can always visit each other." Jerry said and stood up walking toward Adam. He shakes his hand, "Thank you, coming all the way here and giving our daughter the letter from my mom and dad.

"Just like I told your daughter, it was no problem. My father was supposed to be the one that was supposed to deliver the letter. But sadly, he couldn't fulfill that mission." Adam told the family.

Erissa stood up and walks next to her husband, "Thank you again, Adam." She pulled him in for a hug surprising him.

Adam sighed but politely accepted it without arguing.


Hosanna was back in her bakery packing her stuff, "I'm so excited!" She squealed as she folds her clothes together and put them in her suitcase.

This will be the first time she'll be far from her parents but the thought of fostering children in need makes her so happy.

She can't wait to start.

"Tomorrow, I have to tell Mariam the news before I leave." Hosanna zips her suitcase and stands up to stretch. She lets out a yawn, "Time to get a goodnight sleep." Hosanna said a prayer and then went to turn off the light and after that she hops in bed.

"I can't wait." She yawns one last time closing her eyes.

"Your moving?" Mariam was shocked to find out her boss/friend was moving away. Hosanna called Mariam to come over to the bakery earlier than usual before opening so she could tell her the big news.

Hosanna finishes kneading the dough, "Yes." She wiped her forehead, "And since I'll be gone, I think you're the right person to leave everything to."

"What do you mean?"

Hosanna stops what she was doing and turns to her, "Mariam, you are my good friend and you're like a little sister to me. Someone needs to take care of this place while I'm gone."

Mariam nodded, "I'll make sure to take great care of the place while you're gone." 

"Awesome, you'll be in charge of the bakery from now on. I'm going to ask my brother to check up on you and make a full report back to me on how you're doing. If I hear you're doing well with my business, then I'll hand the business over to you and you can move in."

The nineteen-year-old gasped, "You're handing your bakery business over to me?"

Hosanna giggled but nods, "Only if I get a good report back." Mariam squeals with a burst of excitement, "Don't worry, Anna. With me in charge your bakery will thrive!"

"It'll soon be your bakery, I know you're just as passionate with baking than I am." Hosanna says as she put the cookies in the oven.

"Where are you moving to anyway?" Mariam asked leaning an elbow on the counter, not caring if she gets her clothes dirty. "West Virginia, oh look at the time, Summer will be here any minute to get ready for opening." Mariam nodded her, "Maybe today I'll do the baking, and Summer will take position and the cashier."

"Ok. Keep an eye on the cookies while I wait for her." Hosanna walked out of the kitchen and sat at one of the tables.

Hosanna stared out the window, a few more minutes past until finally sees Summer's curly ginger hair blowing in the wind as she got closer to the bakery. Summer saw her boss Hosanna staring at her out the window.

"Morning, Anna." Summer greets enters the bakery.

"Goodmorning, Summer there's something I need to tell you. Mariam already knows." Summer goes to sit across the table, "What's wrong?"

Hosanna told Summer the news.

"Oh. Anna, I'll miss you." Summer stands up and hugged her tightly.

"I'll miss you and Mari a lot. But I'll make sure to come and visit." 


Today is moving day, "Hosanna, make sure call when you get there! Alright!" Erissa yelled as her and Jerry watched her leave for West Virginia.

"Bye mom! Bye dad! I love you and yes mom, I'll make sure to call once I arrive there!" Hosanna yelled back out the window and waved at them before continuing on her journey to her new home.

"We love you too dear!" Jerry yelled tearing up a little, "My little girl is all grown up." Erissa rests her head on her husband's shoulder and sighed.

"Yes, she has."

Hosanna hummed as she drove down the long road listening to music. The window was still down letting in a cool breeze. 

"The cool breeze feels so nice on this hot summer day." Hosanna eyes widened at what she saw ahead of her, "Seriously! Traffic!" She pouts as she rests her head on the steering wheel, "I guess this is going to take more than seven hours." Hosanna mumbled.

Hosanna has past the West Virgina sign, "Finally, I'm almost there." She squealed, "Father God, thank you for this opportunity to take care of your children and maybe even raise some." 

Years ago, Hosanna got her foster license but her living situation at the time wasn't fit for a child.

Hosanna beams as she pulls up to grandparents estate, the house was big, white, and beautiful. She parks the car in the driveway and gets out, "Wow, I haven't been here for years."





Romans 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

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