9: Two Detectives

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Hosanna was about lay down in the comfort of her bed after putting Eden to bed until her phone starts ringing, she smiles and answers it, "Nice to hear from you, dear brother of mine." She hasn't talked to Henry in a while.

Henry chuckled, "Hello, Anna. Sorry to call so late."

She shook her head, "No problem. What can I do you?" Hosanna gasps, "Do you want me to bake everyone at your job cupcakes? Or better yet, a cake!?" She was half joking, but hearing her brother laugh made put a smile on her face.

"No, but a cupcake does sound pretty good." She heard him mutter, she giggled, "I'm calling because I heard you are fostering a young girl named Eden."

Hosanna eyes widened, "Yes, in fact I am, why?"

Henry sighs, "Turns out one of my cases is to find who killed her and her brother's parents, and I need to ask her some questions." He says causing her to frown.

"Henry, I don't think that'll be a good idea, she's a kid and the scars are fresh."

"I know, but Hosanna, think about it. If Eden has any idea who this person is then she'll be helping to put her parent's killer behind bars, for a long time."

Hosanna thought it, 'If this person really killed Eden's parents than they could be a danger to others. So, if she has any information then this person could be caught and go to prison.' After thinking about it she agrees, "Ok, but don't be upset at me if she don't wanna talk to you."

"Great! I'll be there with my partner tomorrow morning, 9:30!"

They said their goodbyes and ended the call.

Hosanna laid down but now instead of feeling calm, she now feels stressed, worried about tomorrow.

"Father God, I pray that tomorrow goes well, for Eden and Michael. I hope he opens up more soon, he just seems so sad at times, likes he's in deep thought about something. In Jesus Name, I pray, amen." After praying she tries to go to sleep so she can wake up early to greet her little brother and his friend.

When Hosanna first woke up at 5 in the morning, she took a warm shower, brushed her teeth, got dressed then she read a few verses in her bible. Once she was done, she prayed before going downstairs to start breakfast.

"Father, please let today go smoothly, and I love you, In Jesus Name, I pray, amen." Hosanna smiles and heads down to the kitchen.

"They'll be here at 9:30 a.m." She mutters as she grabs the box of pancake mix.

A little girl was sound asleep in her new bed, she rolled to the right then she rolled to the left. Opening her eyes, she noticed it was daytime. Eden sat up and stretched, "Where am I?" She wondered while rubbing her eye.

Eden looked around and frowned, "Oh, right. This is my new home, for now." Eden gets out of bed and walked over to her suitcase that she hasn't unpacked yet.

Eden squeals, as she lifts up the summer dress that her mother bought her for her birthday a month ago.

She takes the dress with her to the bathroom.

Michael walks downstairs and into the kitchen to see Hosanna in the middle of flipping a pancake.

"Good morning." He murmured.

"Morning!" Hosanna sang, setting a pancake on a plate and going to pour more batter in the pan. Michael pours himself some orange juice, "How'd you sleep?" She asks him.

"Pretty good, I did have this weird dream." He says taking a sip of his juice, "And you?" Michael asked her, and she smiled, "Also pretty good, thank you for asking." Hosanna was happy that he's talking more, and it's only been seven days.

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