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Julia Lawrence:

Johnny's younger daughter, who has been doing karate since Johnny reopened the Cobra Kai dojo. She is now in Eagle Fang, and goes on to become the boyfriend of Anthony LaRusso.

The Ace: Since the siblings have been training for a long time, their skills are on par with Miguel Diaz.

Action Girl: She trained with their dad, Johnny Lawrence, ever since he reopened the Cobra Kai dojo, but then she defected to her dad's new dojo, Eagle Fang.

All-Loving Heroine: She's very polite to everyone she's friends with, even Miguel, their brother's rival.

Animal Motifs: Eagles. Those are her favorite animal, her Dungeon Lord username is JuliatheEagle84, and she trains at Eagle Fang.

Arch-Enemy: To Candy Jimenez. They used to be friends, but their friendship fell apart when Kreese took over the Cobra Kai dojo from Johnny. Thankfully, the rivalry goes away in Season 6.

Beware The Nice Ones: Don't let her kindness fool you, she can be quite hostile when she hits her last nerve, or when pushed too far.

Daddy's Girl: She really looks up to Johnny, both as a dad and a sensei.

Dating What Daddy Hates: Her dad despises Anthony LaRusso, who goes on to become her boyfriend.

Even the Loving Hero Has Hated Ones: She absolutely despises John Kreese, Terry Silver, and especially the Jimenez sisters, Candy and Audrey, as well as Kyler Park.

Gamer Chick: When she's not training in the dojo, she plays video games on her Nintendo Switch and plays Dungeon Lord on her computer.

Genki Girl: She is very enthusiastic, to say the least.

Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: The Masculine Girl to her boyfriend Anthony's Feminine Boy. She trains at the more offense-oriented Eagle Fang, while Anthony trains at Miyagi-Do, which focuses on defense.

Nerd Action Hero: She likes reading comics, such as Dungeon Lord, Marvel, DC Comics, and others, making her a nerd, much to her dad's dismay.

Nice Girl: Despite her short fuse, she is nice and sweet.

Official Couple: She is this with Anthony LaRusso.

Only Sane Woman: In the Lawrence-Diaz family, she and her sister Katie come off as pretty normal compared to the other members of the family.

Tomboy Girl with A Girly Streak: Despite her tomboyishness, she has long hair, likes wearing lipstick, and is a fan of Barbie.

True Companions: With Clara Decox. They've been best friends since kindergarten, and Julia views her as not just a best friend, but also an honorary member of the Lawrence-Diaz family.

We Used To Be Friends: She and Candy were friends when they met in third grade, but their friendship ended soon after Kreese took over the Cobra Kai dojo.

Katie Lawrence:

Johnny's older daughter, Julia Lawrence's older sister and boyfriend of Joey Gouldman.

Action Girl: She and her sister, Julia, trained with their dad, Johnny Lawrence, ever since he reopened the Cobra Kai dojo, but then they defected to her dad's new dojo, Eagle Fang.

The Ace: Since she and Katie have been training for a long time, their skills are on par with Miguel Diaz.

Anti-Hero: Despite being nice to everyone, she can be somewhat reckless.

Big Sister Instinct: If someone bullies Julia, Katie will NOT let them get away with it.

Cool Big Sis: Julia really looks up to Katie.

STARCROSSED: Anthony LaRusso (ON A HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now