Chapter V: Catfished

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Later, after Kenny got a call from his dad, who was serving in the military overseas in Qatar, he went to play Dungeon Lord on his computer. His username was Kennythejet99, and his was chatting with Lia, specifically PrincessLia. Both of them were playing Dungeon Lord with Julia, and Clara.

He got a message from them saying, "Hey, it's Lia from gym class. Wanna play?" That and he got a friend request, which Kenny accepted. Lia then sent him a message saying, "Are you able to build the castle higher." Kenny was building a castle, and he and Lia sent each other messages. Kenny even checked Lia's Instagram profile, liacabrera05. Lia then sent him a message saying "What else do you do for fun?" "Ooh." Kenny answered with a message saying, "Draw anime. Listen to music. Every now and then, some Dungeon Lord cosplay. dont tell anyone I told you that."

"Send." Kenny sent the message.

"dont worry ur secrets safe with me" Lia sent a message back. However, it turned out that while Kenny believed he was chatting with Lia, the truth was, he was getting catfished by Anthony, who was playing Dungeon Lord on his computer with Zack, Marcus, Slade, and Steve, who was playing Dungeon Lord form his phone.

"Oh my God, he cosplays this shit?" Zack scoffed with a laugh, making Anthony, Marcus, Slade, and Steve laugh as well. "Ask him who's his favorite character." Zack told Anthony. When Kenny was asked that question in the game chat, he answered, "Dr. Scribble-bottoms."

Zack scoffed. "Dr. Scribble-bottoms?" "Oh my God. That is, like, the lamest character. He's like this stupid chipmunk with, with big ears and a lab coat who, like, he mixes, like, health potions and..." Anthony explained.

"How do you know so much?" Zack and the boys gave Anthony a confused look. "I just, you know, uh, overheard some, some nerds talking about it." Was Anthony's answer. "I know about this stuff, too." Steve told the boys.

"I got an idea." Zack realized. "Tell him you, I mean Lia, and a bunch of other Dungeon Lord losers are meeting at Balboa Park tomorrow night. Tell him to cosplay as Mr... Scrapalass or whatever." "Uh, why? Why? What's the plan?" Anthony asked. "Just do it!" Zack told Anthony. They then sent Kenny the messaging saying, "Wanna hang out tomorrow night?" "Yeah!" Kenny smiled. "Where you wanna go?" He asked. "He has no clue." The boys laughed at how gullible he was.

The next night, Kenny was walking in the park dressed up as Dr. Scribblebottoms, as told by Lia, or rather Anthony. "Where is she?" Kenny was looking for Lia, but then Anthony and his gang showed up. "Oh my God!" "Look at him." Anthony and Zack laughed. "Come on, look at him! Look at this loser. Oh, man." The boys laughed. "Oh, I think he's wearing glitter. Get a close-up of that."

"Hey." Anthony taunted. "Stop it." Kenny begged themed to stop. He had realized that the plan to meet at the park was a trick. "You gotta post that." Zack suggested to Anthony, but this scared Kenny. "No, don't! Don't!" Kenny knocked Anthony's phone out of his hand, breaking it. "Oh shit!" Marcus exclaimed. "He just broke your phone." Steve reminded Anthony. "You gonna let him get away with that?" Zack asked Anthony.

"I wasn't trying to break it. You guys were being assholes." Unfortunately for Kenny, the boys hit their last nerve. "What did you just call us?" Zack glared at Kenny, and Marcus ripped the tail off of Kenny's costume. He, Zack, and Slade punched and kicked Kenny, while Steve used his Cobra Kai moves on him. "Pick him up." Zack ordered, which Marcus and Slade did.

"All right, LaRusso. Let's see your moves." Zack was eager to see some action. "Yeah! Bust out some of that Miyagi shit!" Marcus said.

"I, uh..." Anthony stuttered. "Come on, LaPusso!" Zack begged Anthony, who scoffed, "Don't call me that." "Then hit him!" Zack ordered. "Come on!" "Do it!" Marcus and Slade begged Anthony, who went into a fighting stance. Anthony then sent a few kicks to Kenny, but he then started running.

"After him!" Steve prompted the boys to chase him, which they started doing, but Kenny climbd over a fence. "It's locked." Steve complained when they reached a gate of that fence. "Hey, there's a hole!" Marcus noticed a hole in the gate. "Go, go, go!" Zack ordered, but when they passed the fence, they couldn't find Kenny. "Where'd he go?" Zack huffed. "I don't know." Steve answered. "Come on, this way!" Marcus led the boys to somewhere else in the park.

Meanwhile, Joey and Katie were walking together, and they went up to a dumpster that Kenny hid in, who was on the verge of tears. Katie's heart broke when she saw this. "Are you OK? You look like you're lost." Katie said softly when she noticed Kenny and helped him get out of the dumpster. "Yeah, I'm fine." Kenny answered. "Wanna join us?" Joey offered. The couple felt bad for him. "Sure, thanks." Kenny said yes.

Joey, Katie, and Kenny were now lying on a picnic blanket together, looking at the stars, though she realized she forgot to introduce herself. "Oh, where are my manners? I'm Katie, and that's my boyfriend Joey."

"I'm Kenny." Kenny introduced himself.

"So, Kenny, what were you doing in the park?" Joey asked.

"Someone invited me to the park, but it turned out I was catfished by these kids that started attacking me, and they started chasing me." Kenny answered.

"Aw, you poor thing." Katie's heart broke even more as she felt more bad for Kenny, and she gave him a hug and kissed his forehead.

The next day, Kenny and Lucy, his sister, who was now on probation, were talking to Shawn, their brother, who was in juvie. " Ever since I started this new school, my life has been miserable. They chase me. Beat me up. It's not gonna stop. I don't know how I'm gonna keep going. I don't feel safe. One of them even knows karate." Kenny explained to Shawn.

"Yeah, I need to know that my lil' bro won't get bullied no more." Lucy told Shawn. Since their mom was always at work and barely at home, Kenny viewed Lucy as another mother, and Lucy treated Kenny like a son. Shawn asked, "Karate, huh?" "What's so funny?" Kenny asked. "Hey, don't worry about it, little bro. I know a guy who can help." Shawn was talking about Robby, his inmate.

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