Chapter XXXIX: Welcome to Miyagi-Do Karate.

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Meanwhile, at the Eagle Fang dojo, the boys were holding ice packs at their balls.

"Good job today. Everyone ice up, we're back at it tomorrow. Hey champs, your mom wants us to have a family dinner tonight, so don't be home too late." Johnny told Miguel, Katie, and Julia.

"Must be nice being teacher's favorite. And the teacher's daughter." Penis Breath scoffed.

"Yeah. Is he gonna tuck you in?" Bert asked sarcastically as he and the boys handed Miguel the ice packs.

At the Miyagi-Do dojo, Anthony was almost finished with cleaning the last car when Daniel showed up. "Anthony, I can't believe this. After all those hours I spend helping mom at the dealership, you're still not done cleaning the cars?"

"Look, I'm almost done, I just need you to give me more time." Anthony assured Daniel, and he was right, since a few seconds later, he was finished and the cars were now squeaky clean since all of the bird poop was gone. With that, Daniel went from disappointed to proud of his son now that he matured well enough to appreciate the valuable teachings and life lessons of Miyagi-Do and take them seriously. "Well it looks like you're finished." Daniel smiled.

"Yeah well, I didn't want to clean it, but I had no other choice. But at least I'm done." Anthony told Daniel, who said, "Y'know, Mr. Miyagi would be very impressed if he saw this."

"I know, and I really miss him. He was a great man, he taught you karate and he taught Sam her first move, the wax on, wax off. I've heard all the stories, and I wish he saw this." Anthony lamented the fact that Mr. Miyagi wasn't here.

"I'm just really glad that you wanna learn how to defend yourself. To learn how to use skills that will help you in life." Daniel phrased his son.

Johnny, Carmen, and Julia were waiting for Miguel and Katie to come home for dinner. "Why are they so late?" Carmen impatiently complained.

"I'm sure it's fine." Johnny assured Carmen, but she was having none of it. "I'm gonna kill them when they get here."

"Maybe Julia and I should go." Johnny said.

"What? No. I need you to have my back." Carmen insisted.

"When my mom's boyfriends tried to discipline me, I didn't wanna hear it. I don't want him to think I'm an asshole." Johnny told Carmen, but she assured him. "Johnny, things are different now." Suddenly, the door opened, and Miguel and Katie showed up.

"Where have you been? You have to tell me when you're gonna be late." Carmen was worried.

"Sorry, we lost track of time." Miguel apologized.

"They lost track of time. Which is very irresponsible, and you can't worry your mom like that. Or me, for that matter." Johnny said.

"I was hanging out with Sam, and Katie was hanging out with Joey." Miguel explained.

"Alright, see? They were hanging out with their lovers. I get it." Johnny said.

"We just want you to be safe. Right?" Carmen asked Miguel and Katie.

"Right." They said.

"We want you to be safe. Always wear protection." Johnny told Miguel and Katie.

"What? No." Carmen was confused.

"What? No? No, don't wear protection. Uh, you let the girl decide that." Johnny corrected himself.

"Just stop it. At first we thought it was a little weird that you two were together but we figured we would just, we don't know, get over it because we wanted you to be happy, but... You said nothing was gonna change. Now everything has changed. It's weird at class, it's weird here. We're over it." Miguel said in confusion.

Meanwhile, Anthony was at the Miyagi-Do dojo looking at pictures of Daniel when he trained under Mr. Miyagi. He suddenly got flashbacks of when they lured Kenny into a park.

All right, LaRusso. Let's see your moves.

Bust out some of that Miyagi shit!

Come on, LaPusso.

Anthony found a small box and opened it to find a scroll, though he couldn't decipher what it read since it was in Japanese.

"What are you doing?" Daniel asked Anthony.

"Sorry. I was just, uh, looking around." Anthony apologized.

"There's no need to apologize. I'm just surprised to see you in here. That's pretty cool, right?" Daniel asked Anthony, who asked. "What is it?"

"That's a technique that I hope none of us will ever need to use. Be careful with this, okay? I'm glad you wanna learn this stuff, but I'm surprised you were suddenly interested." Daniel answered.

"You know, it's just, uh... You know, everybody has these amazing memories of Mr. Miyagi, and, um, you know, I never really knew the guy or learned any of his cool moves. It's just... You know, I've always felt, um..." Anthony explained, but Daniel figured out what he was saying. "Out of the loop?"

"Yeah. I was in first grade when he died." Anthony said. "Know what I'll never forget? When you were born, we brought you home from the hospital and Mr. Miyagi wanted to pick you up. I remember he was holding you in his arms, and you know what you did? What? Kicked him in the face." Daniel chuckled.

"I did?" Anthony asked. "Yep. It was the first time I ever saw anyone land a kick on him. You got him pretty good too. Yeah, Mr. Miyagi just laughed. He said that you were gonna be a handful. And that someday you'd also be the one who'd be protecting this family. I also remember when you arrived on the bus for your first day of kindergarten and Mr. Miyagi said goodbye to you." Daniel said.

"Really?" Anthony asked.

"Look, Anthony... I was just hoping that maybe you might wanna learn a little bit more about what this all means. You know? And to be able to defend yourself against this bully." Daniel said when he noticed Anthony mumble. "What? What is it?"

"Um, nothing. Yeah, just, uh, don't worry about this Cobra Kai kid. Yeah, uh, I'll use my training." Anthony assured Daniel.

"Remember, this is for defense only." Daniel reminded Anthony, who thanked him. "But, uh, thanks, Dad."

"All right. Your first day of training will be tomorrow after school." Daniel told Anthony, who asked, "Will I train with everyone else."

"Yes you will." Daniel said.

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