Chapter XL: Anthony LaRusso (aka LaPusso) vs. Kenny Payne (aka The Ballerina)

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Meanwhile, Miguel was talking about Johnny's relationship with Carmen to Sam, Joey, and Katie at school. "It's like a Jekyll and Hyde situation. I was used to Sensei being like Mr. Hyde, now it's like he's a different person." Miguel rambled.

"At least you had some training. Dad spent all day with my brother. I had to babysit the Miyagi-Dos. Meanwhile Tory is gaining ground." Sam scoffed as she saw Tory, Lucy, Matty, Angelique, Lonnie, and Piper walk with other girls. "Whatever my dad's plan is, it isn't working."

"Miguel. Katie. There you are. I've been looking all over for you." Johnny suddenly showed up.

"What are you doing here?" Katie asked.

"Field trip. You, me, and Miguel, let's go." Johnny said.

"It's the middle of a school day. I have history, and Katie has computer class. I..." Miguel was cut off by Johnny. "History's for nerds. Play hooky with me. I'll write a doctor's note, used to work for me. Come on, what do you say?" Johnny asked.

"OK." Miguel answered.

"All right, great. Don't worry, I'll bring them back in one piece." Johnny assured Sam and Joey.

Meanwhile, at the middle school, Anthony was thinking about returning the Cobra Kai shirt to Kenny, when Julia and Lia showed up. "Hey, Ant, what's up?" Julia asked.

"Hey, um, not much." Anthony said as he and Julia blushed at each other.

"So, um, I thought of something we can do. There's this fair at Westwood Park. It's got all these rides, and, better yet, fried Oreos." Lia said.

"Fried Oreos, you are speaking my language." Anthony was excited.

"I've invited a bunch of people. Kenny and Candy say the pirate ship goes upside down. I mean, totally vertical." Lia giggled.

"Um, Kenny and Candy?" Anthony asked.

"Oh, yeah. They're hilarious. You guys are gonna get along great, even though Candy's the queen bee of the school. Um, see you Saturday. Hey, Jane, wait up." With that Lia and Julia left, and Anthony sighed.

"Ow. That's gotta hurt." Zack said as he Marcus, Slade, and Steve laughed. Anthony walked up to Emma and Kenny, but he asked, "What do you want?"

"I've been thinking about everything. I just wanna talk. Maybe we could try starting over?" Anthony offered.

"I've got nothing to say to you, LaPusso." Kenny sneered, and Zack and the boys laughed.

"Call me that one more time and you'll regret it." Anthony threatened.

"Sorry, I forgot you were so sensitive about that. LaPusso." Kenny sneered.

"Get him!" Anthony said as he Zack, Marcus, Slade, and Steve chased Kenny and Emma, who ran. The kids ran into a library.

"Where is he?" Anthony asked.

"Doesn't matter. They're trapped." Zack said.

"And it's five against three." Steve said.

"What? What the hell?" The boys noticed that the lights suddenly went off.

"Come on. Let's find him." Zack said. At one point, Emma tripped Marcus when she was hiding in the bottom of a bookshelf. When Marcus tried to get up, Emma knocked him out. Zack was walking in an aisle when he noticed a book fall, making him stop walking. "Marcus?" Zack asked in fear when Kenny kicked him through a bookshelf.

"What was that?" Anthony asked. Kenny and Emma stepped into an aisle when they noticed Slade and Steve. Emma sent a few punches and kicks to Slade, knocking him to the ground. Emma was uncomfortable with hurting her own boyfriend, so Kenny did it. However, Steve remembered the blocking techniques Robby taught him, and he blocked Kenny's moves before sending a kick to him. However as he walked off, Kenny got up and sent him a kick.

STARCROSSED: Anthony LaRusso (ON A HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now