Chapter XLI: Prom Preparations

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Today was the day of the West Valley High School Junior Prom, and to say that the West Valley High School students were excited was an understatement, but the Cobra Kai students had some training to do before the fun could begin. "Guys, the limo is coming at six. So don't be late or else we're leaving. 'Cause my date and I, we on a mission." Kyler explained, and Piper scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Oh my God. I bet she doesn't even exist."

"And it's saying a lot, since your younger brother has a girlfriend." Stella added.

"It's true. Kyler never had a successful date in his life. Meanwhile, I've got myself a beautiful lady." Steve said, and was referring to his girlfriend Emma.

"Aw, that's so sweet of you." Emma was adored by what her boyfriend Steve said. Robby had noticed Tory, and asked, "You're, uh... You're gonna go?" Robby asked Tory, and she figured out what he was saying. "To prom? Yeah, right. Let the rich kids have their stupid party. No offense Angelique, since your family's rich. Though it's very generous that your family sometimes sends us money. But can you picture me in a ballroom dress?" Tory asked.

"C'mon Tory, it will be fun. I'm going with my girlfriend Angelique, Matty's going with his girlfriend Lucy, and Cousin Neil will be there with his girlfriend Madelaine Barnes." Lonnie smiled.

"That's true." Matty smiled as he practiced with Lucy. Kreese and Silver got out of the back office in the dojo. "All right, class. Fall in. Today's lesson is about balance. Not the way Miyagi-Do teaches it. You're going to learn how to get inside the heads of your opponents and throw them off balance. Pair up." Kreese said, and the students started getting into pairs. "Ais!"

"You know, you should go. Crashing you-know-who's big night would be a way to get your opponents off balance." Robby suggested. "Not as much as if you showed up." Tory countered.

"I'm not a student anymore. They won't let me in."

"Maybe they would. If you went with me." Tory said.

"Did I just hear Robby ask Tory to prom?" Angelique said as she was practicing with her boyfriend Lonnie.

"Strictly a tactical move." Tory said.

"Well, it's such short notice. We'd have to get a ride. Still need a tux." Robby said.

"Well, Angelique could rent a limo or party bus for you." Candy said as she practiced with Kenny, who had recently become her boyfriend.

"I think it's a great idea. And if you're going, you're going in style." Silver said.

"Not bad at all, actually." Tory was open to the suggestion. "Can I talk to my sister, though?" Tory asked. Silver said yes, and she went to Emma who was practicing with Steve. When Emma noticed her sister, she and Steve stopped. "Hey Emma." Tory got her sister's attention, who asked. "Yes?" "I'm going to prom with Robby." Tory said.

"That's nice that you're going with your boyfriend, but what does that have to do with me?" Emma asked.

"Well, since I'm going, I need you to babysit Brandon." Tory told Emma, who countered, "But why, I'm planning on going to Golf N' Stuff tonight with my friends. Steve can't come, since he told me he got grounded because of the middle school fight, and Glenn, Ellie, and Kenny can't come since they've got plans." Emma said. When Glenn and Ellie heard this, they stopped practicing, and went to Emma. "It's OK, you can take him with you." Glenn suggested.

"Yeah, I mean, I've babysat for Brandon, and he's nice kid." Steve said.

"Wassup! Remember that from the old Bud commercials? I guess you guys were too young for... Probably weren't even born." All of sudden, Raymond, or Stingray showed up in the dojo.

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