Chapter XIX: Birthday Party Blitz

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"The prince did everything to climb the mountain, but the dragon carried me there so he could eat me alive. But then the valiant prince came to my rescue." Tory was telling Cindee and the kids a fairy tale.

"Is that the prince that you stole from another princess?" Sam asked Tory, making Anthony and Steve laugh, though Emma elbowed her boyfriend in the arm.

"The other princess wasn't dating that prince anymore. Anyway, uh, the dragon breathed hot fire at the prince, melting his sword. So now I had to save the prince." Tory reminded Sam and continued telling the story.

"Using what? A weapon like, I don't know, a spiked bracelet or nunchucks?" Sam asked Tory and was referring to the time of the school brawl and the LaRusso house fight that happened at Christmastime, though Tory corrected her. "No, by singing a magic song."

"Oh, and how did the song go?" Sam asked Tory. "Yeah, sing us the song!"

"Yeah! Song!" The children wanted Tory to sing, much to her satisfaction. Tory looked at Sam, and she started singing. ♪ "Beautiful dragon ♪ ♪ Please go to sleep ♪ ♪ Sunset is falling ♪ ♪ Now time to count sheep" ♪

"Wow. And I thought you were bad at fighting." Sam chuckled, and walked to Amanda, Anthony, Steve, and Emma, who glared at her. Tory noticed that Sam was distracted, so she took it as her chance to get revenge on her when she noticed the glitter in cups.

"But the story doesn't end there. You see, the song didn't put the dragon to sleep. Instead, it turned it into an evil witch. And that witch has been spotted at kids' parties all over the Valley. And the only way she can be destroyed is with a glitter bomb." Tory gave each of the children cups of glitter.

"Oh, and look! There she is now, trying to blend in with the crowd!" Tory showed the children where Sam was, and Anthony, Steve, Emma used this as an opportunity to get at Sam by recording her with their phones.

"Die, evil witch!" The children then threw glitter all over Sam, and she didn't notice that Anthony, Steve and Emma were recording the whole thing until it was too late. Tory sent a sarcastic kiss to Sam.

"Wait, hang on we gotta post this on Instagram." Steve, Emma, and Anthony went on Instagram, much to the worry of Sam who warned them, "No, don't!"

"Hashtag, princess." The video was then posted on Instagram, and Steve, Emma, and Anthony started laughing.

STARCROSSED: Anthony LaRusso (ON A HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now