Chapter XXXV: Invitation to Join Miyagi-Do

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Later, at the LaRusso house, Anthony, Amy, and Chelsea were hanging out together, sitting on the couch. Anthony was using his iPad to look at Julia's Instagram profile.

"Hey, Anthony? Hey. I found something in your room you need to explain." Daniel suddenly showed up.

"Oh, um... Uh, yeah, I..." Anthony stuttered.

"If this is you trying to seem cool at school or rebel against me or something..." Daniel asked Anthony what he was up to.

"No. No, no, no. It's not mine. It's, uh... I'm holding it for a friend." Anthony lied, and Daniel sighed.

"Okay, um, there's this kid in school who's, uh, who's in Cobra Kai. He's been giving me a hard time recently." Anthony told Daniel, who asked, "Wait, giving you a hard time? Are you okay? What did they do?"

"Oh, uh, you know, just messing around, uh, name calling. It's, uh, no big deal." Anthony assured Daniel.

"Anthony, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. Listen, I know what it feels like. I promise I'm not gonna let Cobra Kai hurt you." Daniel was adamant on making sure Anthony was safe from Cobra Kai.

"It's... It's not that bad. Honestly, I..." Anthony was cut off by Daniel. "No. I thought there might end up being a problem like this. I should've... You're not a little kid anymore. It's time. Go on up, get changed."

"F-For what?" Anthony asked, but Daniel told him, "Just go upstairs, get changed."

"So they stole all your clothes?" Robby asked Kenny, who responded while punching a practice dummy, "I can't take any more of their crap. I'm ready to use my training!"

"What do you think you're gonna do?" Robby asked Kenny, who answered, "I'll do what you do. Kick their asses."

"My sister fought back against her enemy, and you know what happened? She and Robby got kicked out of school and you know what else happened to Robby? He landed in juvie."

"Emma's right, you gotta be smarter than me and your brother." Robby reminded Kenny.

"Well, I gotta do something." Kenny was ready to fight back against his bullies.

"Class, fall in." Kreese had the students at his attention.

"Today we have a very important lesson, don't we, Sensei Silver?"

"Yes, we do. Weakness. Your opponent's weakness must be exploited whenever possible." Kreese told everyone.

"At the tournament, you'll have to recognize that weakness. And make no mistake, we all have one." Silver explained.

"Sensei Kreese doesn't." Tory said.

"Yeah, ain't nobody strong enough to fight him." Emma agreed with her sister.

"Of course he does. We all do. Today, your goal is to find your opponent's weakness and attack it. No points. You hit the mat, you lose. You got it?" Silver asked.

"All right, prepare for combat."

"Care to make this interesting?" Kreese asked.

"What do you have in mind?" Silver asked.

"Well, we each choose a fighter. Six pack of brews to the winner." Kreese suggested.

"I like it. May the best sensei win." Silver was happy with Kreese's idea.

STARCROSSED: Anthony LaRusso (ON A HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now