Chapter IX: LaRusso Auto Group

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Meanwhile, Miguel and Julia were with Daniel at his dealership, LaRusso Auto Group, which was the LaRusso's' family business. Carmen's car was in the garage and it was about to get fixed.

"So you had to run after the car and jump in? What happens if you missed?" Miguel asked Daniel, who answered, "I could've died at least eight times, easy. Compared to that hunk of junk this is gonna be a piece of cake. Just needs a new serpentine belt. Yeah."

"Y'know Mr. LaRusso, we really appreciate you fixing this for us." Miguel thanked Daniel, who responded, "Oh, I'm not gonna do it. But don't worry about it, I know a great repair guy."

"Really? Who?" Miguel asked out of curiosity, but he realized that it was him and Julia that Daniel were referring to.

"Yeah Mr. LaRusso, we don't know anything about fixing cars." Miguel told Daniel, who decided to give Miguel and Julia advice. "Hey, neither did I when I was your age. Look at me now. I'm the guy with the billboards. When I get done with you, you might have a few billboards of your own some day."

"If they make billboards for guys going to community college." Miguel was skeptical.

"I didn't even go to college." Daniel revealed.

"Really?" Julia asked.

"Yep. My mom scrimped and saved. Any spare cash she had, she put in a jar. She called it "The Daniel Fund."" Daniel explained.

"So what happened?" Julia asked.

"I, um, blew the entire fund on a round trip ticket to Okinawa." Daniel answered.

"What? That must have been, like, thousands of dollars." Miguel and Julia couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, and they really jack up the price when you buy it the day of. But Mr. Miyagi had to see his father and, um... Well, I wanted to be there for Mr. Miyagi, so... Thanks to a little ice-breaking contest, I came back with more money than I left with." Daniel explained.

"So you used that to invest in the dealership?" Julia asked.

"No, I blew that on a bonsai tree store. Don't even ask. You see, my path wasn't a straight line. And yours is still being written." Daniel explained.

"I don't know. The Miguel Fund's looking kinda sad these days." Miguel lamented. "And as for the Julia Fund, I don't know how things are." Julia told Daniel.

"In Miyagi-Do, when an opponent comes swinging at you, you always respond in a circular motion. Moving in the opposite direction of what your opponent expects. Right? Life's like that too. You could reach any goal you want, it just might mean taking the circular path. You have good heads on your shoulders. I know you can make it happen."

Meanwhile, Johnny and the Miyagi-Do students were still on the rooftop, and no one has jumped to the other rooftop.

"So no one wants to fly? Y'all just want to stay in the nest? Pathetic! Fine, you win. You can bore Cobra Kai into submission. You all failed. Grab your crap and let's go. Looks like you got what you wanted." Johnny was unhappy and disappointed in the Miyagi-Do students.

"Alright fine, we're jumping." Evan muttered. He and Sam felt bad for disappointing him, so they took off their backpacks started running, and leaped from the rooftop they were standing to the rooftop across from them, which they surprisingly landed on.

"Nice moves, LaRusso and Pierce!"


"Babe, you and Sam did great!" Alyssa complimented them both as Sam and Evan smiled.

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