Chapter XXIV: Why Would Sensei Johnny Lawrence Post On Twitter?

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Meanwhile, at school, the Binary Brothers and Katie, Alyssa, Aurora, and their boyfriends Joey, Evan, and Charlie were walking together when Demetri was looking up information on Silver. "Vietnam vet turned businessman. Had a few ups and downs, but still turned out pretty rich. Not much dirt, other than some toxic waste scandal in Borneo back in the '80s."

"Jeez, sounds like a Renaissance man. How'd you find out his name?" Hawk asked.

"I took a picture at the dojo, found an old facial recognition beta test and tweaked the code to make it compatible with HEIC." Demetri explained.

"I love it when you talk nerdy." Yasmine Cochrane, Demetri's new girlfriend, told him flirtatiously as she was walking with Moon Taylor, her best friend and Hawk's ex-girlfriend. She used to be the queen bee of the school but became a nicer person by the start of the school year.

"You are both the first and my favorite person to say that." Demetri said as Yasmine giggled and the two lovers kissed each other. "I-I like the new hue. Purple's the color of the crown chakra, you know? It symbolizes enlightenment." Moon complimented Hawk's new mohawk color, which was purple. "Uh, yeah, that's what I was going for. So..." Hawk said. "Yeah."

"Listen. Bad news. I just found out my dad's wedding is gonna be in Sydney." Yasmine sighed.

"Sydney, Nova Scotia?" Demetri asked.

"Australia." Yasmine answered.


"Since it's in May, it means I won't be here for prom or the tournament. But I'll still root for you." Yasmine assured Demetri. "Yeah. Consider me an admirer from afar." She told him flirtatiously.

"Hey, I will take whatever I can get." Demetri told Yasmine, who asked, "Save me a seat at lunch?" "Yeah." Demetri said and he and Yasmine kissed. "Specifically this one." Yasmine flirtatiously slapped Demetri in the ass.

"Later, guys." Moon and Yasmine walked off, and Demetri send them a kiss from afar. "All right, no offense, but I have no idea how you pulled that off." Hawk said. "Neither do I. I guess I was just myself, and somehow that worked." Demetri chuckled.

"What about you and Moon? Did I detect a note of rapprochement in the air?" Demetri asked.

"We're getting used to being friends again. She has a girlfriend, so..." Hawk explained.

"You mean Piper? Oh no. That's over. They broke up weeks ago." Demetri told Hawk as they, along with Joey, Katie, Evan, Alyssa, Charlie, and Aurora walked in the hallway.

"Weeks? One week, five? How many weeks is "weeks"?" Hawk asked. Miguel, Sam, Clive Toguchi, and his girlfriend Izzy approached them. "Yo. You guys won't believe this. Sensei got drunk and went on a Twitter rant." Miguel explained.

"I believe everything except for the part where he knows how to tweet." Demetri said. Since Johnny was a buffoon with technology, it was safe to say that him using Twitter was a surprise. "Looks like Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso are gonna have a rematch." Izzy explained.

"Wait, so they're really gonna fight?" Katie asked.

"Apparently. Should've seen this coming." Sam explained.

"Who does he even think he's tweeting to? You're his only follower?" Alyssa was referring to Miguel.

"I don't know. H-He seems serious about it." Miguel told them.

"So this is real? Sensei LaRusso and Sensei Lawrence are gonna throw down?" Evan asked. "Mm-hm." Miguel answered. "That's awesome!" Hawk exclaimed.

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