Chapter 12 : The Invitation

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I am currently in my cousin's wedding, so I can't be online so frequently.

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Lots of love


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Location : Mithila Royal Palace

Krishna has reached Karna and Avika and has showed them a letter, In which, it was written,

Pranipat Vaasudev Shri Krishna,

I am Bhism, the commander-in-chief of Hastinapur. 

There is a kala pradarshan going to be conducted in the next one week in our Hastinapur. The kala pradarshan is being conducted to showcase the talent of our princes.

So, I on regard of the Hastinapur king and queen am sending this letter to you.

I cordially invite you and the entire Dwarka Royal Family to this event.

So, please attend the event and kindly grace us with your and your family's presence.



"Avika and Karna, I need to go and meet my friend Sudhama, So, as you both also received the invitation for the kala pradarshan, can you both please take my sister, Subhadra, to the kala pradarshan on behalf of the Dwarka Royal Family ?" - asked Krishna.

"Sure Maadhav" - said Karna.

"Yes Govind" - said Avika.

Then, they all went to have their breakfast.

After the breakfast,

"Jyesth !" - called a voice from the corridor leading to the chamber of Karna.

"Aditya ?!" - whispered Karna shocked, without turning back.

"Jyesth!" - said Aditya, running into the arms of Karna and hugging the life out of him.

"Adi, what are you doing in Mithila ?" - asked Karna.

"Jyesth, I was sent by maa to accompany you to Hastinapur."- said Aditya.

"Okay, come, let's go" - said Karna and they both spent the morning speaking to each other.

In the kitchen,

"Avika, Draupadi, tomorrow we are going to arrange special breakfast for the Ayodhya princes, so Draupadi, you go and invite Karna and Aditya and Avika, you prepare the food " - said Sunaina to her daughters.

"Ji maa" - said Avika and Draupadi in unison.

The next day, early morning,

Draupadi was walking towards the chamber of Karna and Aditya, after she reached there, she was looking from the side window, if Karna and Aditya were inside or not, when suddenly,

"Who are you ?" - roared a voice.

"What?!" - asked Draupadi turning back and saw Aditya aiming his sword at her.

"Rajkumar Aditya ! I am Draupadi, Sister of Yuvrani Avika." - said Draupadi.

"What ?! Then why are you behaving so unlikely ? Devi Avika is so calm and cool and here you are looking secretly into our chamber ?" - asked Aditya baffled.

"Well, I was just seeing if you both were there inside or not" - said Draupadi.

Precap : The fight

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