Chapter 3 : The Guru Dakshina and Missing Cows

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This chapter is dedicated to @SriShay 

Thank you @SriShay for giving me suggestion for this chapter !!!

Location : Mahendragiri Parvat

"Putra Karna, you have completed your training from all of us today, so we would like to give you a gift but before that , you have give us Guru Dakshina."- said all the teachers of Karna.

"Sure Gurudev, giving you Gurudakshina is my pleasure, Command me Guru Dev" - said Karna.

"We want you to defeat Jarasandh, the evil king of Magadh and become the king of that area" - said Mahadev.

"Sure Mahadev, I will go right away!" - said Karna and left for Magadh.

In Magadh, Karna defeats Jarasandh and releases all citizens and subjects from his torture. He rebuilds the capital and renames it as SuryaPrasth in honour of his Surya Vansh.

And he returns back to his teachers to receive blessings from them.

He receives - Bramhashira astra and Brahma danda astra from Bramha

All knowledge which is equal to tridevs and tridevis from Saraswati

Pashupatastra from Mahadev

Vijaya Bow from Parvati 

Koumodaki mace and Nandaka sword from Vishnu

Immense wealth and luck from Lakshmi

Bramhastra from Parashuram and Dharani

Knowledge and Immense strength from Hanuman

Wit and Wisdom from Brihaspati

Sanjeevani from Shukracharya.

Then he returned back to Ayodhya.

Location : Mithila

"Maharaj! The cows which have to distributed to Bramhins on the occasion of Yuvrani Avika's birthday are missing!" - announced a soldier.

"What! Hey prabhu! What am I supposed to do now?" - worried Janaka.

"Don't worry pitashree, I will get those cows back from the forest." - said Avika with determination on her face.

Janaka surprised by his daughter's bravery agreed immediately but made sure that two soldiers went behind these siblings to ensure their safety.

"Now see Draupadi, jiji will put her ear to the ground and identify where the cows are." - said Dhrishtadyumn.

"Yes bhrata" - added Draupadi.

Like that these three siblings brought back those missing cows.

Precap : Hastinapur

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