Chapter 5 : Be Careful

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"Tatshri, why are you so excited upon the arrival of Mithila's princess into our land?" - asked Kunti to an overly excited Bhism who was reading the letter sent by his friend saying she would surely attend the Kala Pradarshan.

"Kunti, The princess of Mithila is a very good friend of mine. I am so happy that she is visiting our country." - replied Bhism.

"The princess of Mithila is your friend ? How pitamaha?" - asked Arjun.

"Let me tell you .......................

Bhism was travelling towards Mithila kingdom to form an alliance with them. Dhritharashtra and Gandhari were also coming along with him.

After a travel of three days, they finally reached Mithila. The king of Mithila, Janaka was happy to form an alliance with them.

After the matters of the alliance were cleared, It was past evening in the cool winter,  Bhism was taking a stroll in garden, where diyas were lit to illuminate the garden at night time.

Bhism, who was awestruck seeing the beautiful garden in front of him forgot about his surroundings.

Because of high wind speed, one of the diyas was about to fall on Bhism's shoulder.

Avika, who was roaming in the corridors, saw the scene which was about to take place and kept her hand above Bhism' s shoulder immediately preventing the diya's fire from burning Bhism's body.

Bhism, who was startled by Avika's actions was astonished seeing how Avika cared less about herself and burnt her palm in order to save him.

"Putri Avika, I have iccha mrityu var, I will die when I wish, then what harm could this small fire do to me? What was the need to burn your hand?" - asked Bhism.

"I know that you have iccha mrityu var mahitatma, even though this fire cannot lead to your death, but it can cause harm to your body right? That's why!" - said Avika.

Bhism was highly impressed by this act of Avika and they immediately became friends irrespective of their age gap.

Avika, once in every three months, writes a letter to Bhism, asking about his health and well-being. 

They are good friends."

Like this Bhism narrated the story how they both became friends.

Location : Ayodhya

"After these many years you remember that you have a family too Karna?" - asked Prashasti.

"Maa! I can even forget whole of my knowledge but not you both maa!" - said Karna.

"Jyesth! Save me from your bow!" - screamed Kalyani, sister of Karna.

"Jyesth! Please come fast or else this girl will become a paste trapped under your bow" - screamed Aditya.

"Hahahahaha.....! Who told you both to touch Jyesth's Vijaya bow?" - asked Achintya.

Karna came and saw that the bow was on Kalyani's body and Kalyani was lying on the floor.

Karna immediately lifted his bow and helped Kalyani to her feet.

During Dinner, 

"Maa! Pitashree! I have renovated Suryaprasth and it is very much essential for a king to be in his kindgom so please give me permission to leave tomorrow." - requested Karna with his parents.

Hearing this, the faces of his family went pale immediately and they were all having a grim look on their faces.

"Putra Karna ! Suryaprasth is just beside Ayodhya, so why won't you merge it with Ayodhya and rule the kingdom?" - asked Daksh.

"Maa! Pitashree! It is very important for me to gain people's trust before I become the king right? So after fully developing Suryaprasth, I would follow your plan." - said Karna.

Finally, his family gave him permission to leave after a lot of pacification from Karna.

Location : Mithila

"Putri Avika, tomorrow you have to go and bring yam for the special medicine to be prepared be ready. Okay?" - asked Sunaina.

"Ji maa!" - said Avika.

Their day went on as usual.

The current ages of Karn and Avika are 25 and 24 respectively.

Precap : Dwaraka and friendship bonds.

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