Chapter 14 : The Special Breakfast

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ID :  rishireddy01 / Rishi Reddy 

Location : Mithila Royal Palace

**Later that morning,**

In the lush gardens of the Mithila Royal Palace, the aroma of freshly prepared dishes filled the air. 

Avika, with a determined expression, was busy overseeing the final touches on the breakfast. 

The kitchen staff moved around her with purpose, each following her precise instructions. Draupadi, meanwhile, was anxiously waiting at the entrance of the garden, her eyes scanning the horizon.

"Jiji," Draupadi called out to Avika, "Do you think Maharaj Karna and Aditya will like the food?"Avika smiled gently. 

"I don't know Draupadi, let's hope for the best" said Avika.

"It will definitely taste good sakhi !" encouraged Krishna.

Draupadi nodded and hurried to arrange the dishes on a grand table under a canopy of flowering vines. 

The breakfast setting was beautifully arranged with golden plates and goblets, and a variety of dishes were meticulously laid out, each one a testament to Avika's culinary skills.

As she finished arranging the table, Draupadi saw Karna and Aditya approaching. Karna walked with his usual calm demeanor, his posture regal and composed. Aditya, on the other hand, looked slightly annoyed, his brow furrowed, as if he was still simmering over their earlier conversation.

"Good morning, Maharaj Karna, Aditya," Draupadi greeted them with a polite bow. "Please, have a seat."Karna smiled warmly at Draupadi and at Avika, who had just arrived with the last dish. "Good morning, Devi Draupadi, Devi Avika. Thank you for inviting us to this special breakfast."

Aditya glanced at the table, his eyes scanning the dishes. "Hmm, the dishes are looking mouth-watering" he muttered under his breath.

 Draupadi and Avika served the dishes. The spread included a variety of delicacies—saffron rice,  lentil stew, and sweetened yogurt with fruits. The aroma was inviting, and even Aditya couldn't help but feel a bit curious.

As they started eating, Karna took a spoonful of the neem soup. He tasted it carefully, his expression thoughtful. Avika watched him anxiously, her hands fidgeting in her lap." This is excellent," Karna said finally, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "The bitterness of the neem is perfectly balanced with the spices. It's clear that much care was taken in its preparation." Avika smiled, relieved. "Thank you, Maharaj Karna. I'm glad you like it." 

Aditya took a sip of the neem soup as well, his expression turning from annoyance to surprise. "It's...very good" he admitted  "I guess you do have amazing skills in the kitchen, Devi Avika."

Avika gave a modest smile, while Draupadi shot Aditya a triumphant look. "See, even Aditya has to admit that our Jiji's cooking is amazing!"

Aditya rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a small grin. "Alright, alright. It's good. But don't let it get to your head, Draupadi."

Karna chuckled softly. "Aditya, you should learn to appreciate things more graciously. After all, it's not every day you get to enjoy a meal like this."

Draupadi couldn't help but smile at the compliment, but her mind was still on what Karna had said earlier. "Maharaj Karna, you mentioned that the taste of food depends on the love put into it. I think I understand now. Thank you for teaching me that."

Karna nodded. "Indeed, Draupadi. Food prepared with love has a special quality to it, much like the relationships we build with others."

"Yes and looks like the person who made it has added lots of love in it for a particular someone" teased Krishna.

All of them laughed but, Avika blushed deeply.

As they continued their meal, the atmosphere became more relaxed. Aditya, though still slightly gruff, seemed to enjoy the food and the company. Draupadi and Avika exchanged a few whispered comments, their laughter light and genuine.

Precap : Temple Visit

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