Chapter 1 : The Birth Of Karn

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Location : Surya Lok

The palace in Surya Lok was decorated with flowers and other decorative items and it was shining as if it was another Sun itself.

The servants in Surya Lok, were running here and there, Surya Lok was bustling with the preparation of someone special's arrival.

Devi Sanjana and Devi Chaya were busy looking after the welcome rituals of his arrival, while Surya Dev was waiting for him anxiously.

All dev and devata were running here and there to make sure all things were ready for his arrival, whereas the tridevs and tridevis , the all-knowing almighties were smiling in themselves knowing the cause of his arrival.

Well, this "he" was our lovely - KARN

Surya dev, Devi Sanjana, Devi Chaya have decided to uplift the balance of the universe, they needed a son, and rituals were going on for his birth.

After all the preparations have been completed while taking the prasad of the Yagna, Surya dev was feeling pulled onto the Earth, because of a mantra being chanted.

But before that a handsome, glowing, lotus-eyed baby boy emerged from the powers of Vishnu and Lakshmi ,Shiva and Parvati into the hands of Devi Sanjana and Devi Chaya.

A beautiful baby boy was born.

But due to the mantra Surya Dev had to leave to Earth, where he say a young maiden chanting the mantra.

She was Kunti.

"Oh daughter of Kunti Bhoj! Here I grant you my son!" - said Surya Dev as the mantra chanted by Kunti is used to invoke the gods and beget a son from them.

"Oh Lord Surya! I don't want a son, I am still unmarried!" - panicked Kunti.

"Then pray tell me why did you use that mantra?" - asked Surya Dev angrily.

"I just wanted to see if it really worked out or not! Please don't grant me a son. My father's reputation would be tarnished." - pleaded Kunti.

"But I must give you a son so that the balance of the universe doesn't get disrupted." - said Surya Dev and gave away Karn to Kunti.

Then Surya Dev leaves for Surya Lok.

"Oh! Tridev and Tridevi please tell me why I have to give away my son to Kunti?!" - exclaimed Surya Dev.

"Your son is born from our powers Surya Dev, he is also a son to us. But his birth is for a greater cause." - said Tridev and Tridevi.

After Surya Dev leaves, Kunti with a sad heart, puts Karn in a basket and puts that basket in Ganga.

That basket gradually flows and reaches Ayodhya.

"Oh! See what we have found, such a beautiful baby boy!" - exclaimed the servants of Maharaj and Maharani of Ayodhya.

Then the Maharaj and Maharani of Ayodhya , who were passing by, heard this and adopted Karn.

The Maharaj and Maharani of Ayodhya were childless even after 5 years of their marriage, so when they saw Karn, they immediately adopted him.

Ayodhya is the most powerful kingdom of Dwapar Yug after which Magadha, Dwaraka and Hastinapur followed respectively.

The Maharaj and Maharani of Ayodhya were Daksh and Prashasti of Raghuvansh.

When they were taking Karn back to the palace, suddenly, Tridev and Tridevi appeared and told the story of Karn's birth without the mention of Kunti's name and asked them to take good care of Karn to which they were more than happy and celebrated the arrival of Karn into their kingdom.

Location : Mithila

After 1 year ,

The king and queen of Mithila were taking a stroll in their garden when suddenly, a bright light appeared in front of them and a beautiful baby girl was present there.

Akashvani announced that her birth took place for a great cause and asked the newly wed couple to take care of her, To which they accepted her heartfully and named her as Avika.

Then years passed happily in both Mithila and Ayodhya, where Karn and Avika were brought up with immense love and care.

Karn went to Mahendragiri parvat to obtain education from Parashuram whereas , a teacher was being searched for Avika.

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