Chapter 16 : The Travelling

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ID : rishireddy01 / Rishi Reddy

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Location : Mithila Royal Palace

**The following morning, at the gates of Mithila Palace...**

The sun had just begun to rise, casting a warm golden hue over the palace grounds. 

The palace was abuzz with activity as preparations for the journey to the holy temples of Mithila were underway. Horses were being saddled, carts loaded with supplies, and guards gathered, ready to escort their party.

Avika and Draupadi stood by the entrance, ensuring everything was in order. Avika wore a simple but elegant sari, her hair neatly braided.

 Draupadi, with her ever-playful spirit, wore a bright smile as she adjusted the garlands on the horses, humming a soft tune.

"Maharaj Karna and Aditya should be here any moment," Draupadi said, looking down the palace steps. "Are you excited, Jiji?" Avika nodded, though a hint of nervousness flickered in her eyes. "Yes, but I'm also a little anxious. I've heard the journey can be quite challenging."

Draupadi gave her sister a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Jiji. With Maharaj Karna and Aditya with us, I'm sure we'll be safe. Besides, this will be an adventure! And who knows? Maybe you'll get some more time to know Maharaj Karna better," she added with a mischievous wink.

Avika blushed, but before she could respond, Karna and Aditya appeared at the top of the palace steps. Karna wore a simple but regal outfit, his posture as dignified as ever, while Aditya sported his usual confident smirk.

"Good morning, Devi Avika, Devi Draupadi," Karna greeted warmly as he approached. "I hope you're both ready for the journey ahead."

"Good morning, Maharaj Karna, Aditya," Avika replied, her cheeks still a little flushed. "Yes, we're ready. Everything is prepared."

Aditya grinned. "I'm looking forward to this. It's been a while since we've had an adventure. What about you, Draupadi? Ready to handle a few days on the road?"

Draupadi shot him a playful glare. "I'm more than ready, Aditya. Just try to keep up with me."Karna chuckled at their banter. "Let's not waste any more time. The sooner we leave, the sooner we'll reach the temples."

With everything in order, they mounted their horses. Karna rode at the front, his gaze steady as he led the way, while Avika and Draupadi rode side by side, with Aditya following closely behind them. The palace gates opened, and their journey began.

**On the road to the holy temples...**

As they traveled, the landscape changed from the lush greenery of the palace grounds to the rolling hills and dense forests that bordered Mithila. 

The air was fresh and cool, filled with the scent of wildflowers and the chirping of birds. 

The path was narrow, winding through the forest with occasional clearings that provided stunning views of the distant mountains.

Karna and Avika rode in comfortable silence for a while, occasionally exchanging a few words about the scenery. 

Draupadi, meanwhile, had moved up to ride alongside Aditya, continuing their friendly banter and occasional teasing.

After a few hours, they stopped for a short break near a small stream. 

Avika dismounted and walked over to the water's edge, kneeling down to cup some water in her hands. She splashed her face, feeling the coolness refresh her.

Karna approached her, carrying a small flask of water. "Here, Avika. Fresh water from the stream. It's good to stay hydrated on a long journey."Avika looked up, surprised but grateful. 

"Thank you, Maharaj Karna," she said softly, taking the flask from him. "You're always so thoughtful."

Karna smiled gently. "It's important to take care of each other, especially when we're on the road. I've learned that a small act of kindness can make a big difference." Avika nodded, feeling a warmth spread through her chest at his words. "You're right. I suppose that's something we all need to remember." 

As she drank from the flask, she noticed Karna watching her with a thoughtful expression. She felt her cheeks warm under his gaze, a mix of shyness and something else she couldn't quite place.

Nearby, Draupadi watched them with a knowing grin. She nudged Aditya, who was busy sharpening his sword."Look at them," Draupadi whispered with a smirk. "They're practically having a moment, and they don't even realize it."

Aditya glanced over at Karna and Avika, rolling his eyes. "I see it, but jyesth has always been like this—calm, composed, and oblivious to his own feelings. It'll take a miracle for him to realize he's falling for Yuvrani Avika."

Draupadi giggled. "Well, maybe we can help speed things along. What do you say, Aditya? Want to play matchmaker with me?"

Aditya raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Hmm, I do enjoy a good challenge. Alright, I'm in. But let's not be too obvious. We wouldn't want to scare them off."

Draupadi nodded in agreement. 

"Deal. Let's see what we can do to nudge them in the right direction." 

As they continued their journey, Draupadi and Aditya subtly began their plan. They would occasionally suggest that Karna and Avika ride together or take turns leading the group. 

When they stopped for lunch, Draupadi conveniently found reasons for herself and Aditya to be elsewhere, leaving Karna and Avika alone to prepare the meal together.

**Later that evening, as they set up camp...**

The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm orange glow across the sky. They found a clearing near a small grove of trees and began setting up camp. 

Karna and Aditya pitched the tents while Draupadi and Avika gathered wood for the fire. As Avika knelt down to place some twigs into the fire pit, Karna approached with a larger log, placing it carefully on the pile. Their hands brushed briefly, sending a spark of warmth through both of them.

"Thank you, Maharaj Karna," Avika said, looking up at him. Their eyes met, and for a moment, the world seemed to fade away. There was a softness in his gaze that she hadn't noticed before, a quiet intensity that made her heart flutter. 

Karna's voice was gentle when he spoke. "It's my pleasure, Avika. I'm glad to have this time to get to know you better." 

Avika smiled, feeling a mix of emotions—joy, confusion, hope—all swirling within her. "I feel the same way."

Before they could say more, Draupadi's voice rang out. "Dinner's ready! Come and eat, everyone!"

They broke eye contact, the moment slipping away, but something lingered in the air between them—a silent acknowledgment of a connection that was beginning to form.

Precap : The Talk

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~Author Rishi ♥♥♥

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