Chapter 8 : The Storm

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Here you go with the chapter.............

Location : Temple, Mithila outskirts

"Maharshi! My kalash doesn't have water in it, please permit me to fill water in my kalash" - asked Avika.

"Sure putri!" - said Maharshi Yagnavalkya.

After Avika has crossed the temple premises, Maharshi Yagnavalkya remembered that he forgot to bring hibiscus flowers.

"Putri Avika, I forgot to bring hibiscus flowers for the puja, so give me that water kalash putri, I will go and bring water, you bring hibiscus flowers." - said Maharshi Yagnavalkya.

"Ji Maharshi!" - said Avika and gave the kalash to him.

As she was leaving along with Maharshi Yagnavalkya , she saw her sister Draupadi entering into the temple.

"Maharshi! Anyways, my sister Draupadi has come, why you have to take the stress and pressure of going all the way to the river, I will give Draupadi this kalash, she would bring water Maharshi." - said Avika as she knows that Maharshi Yagnavalkya was suffering from fever and he came all the way to the palace and the temple only for her well-being.

"Okay putri!" - said Maharshi and handed that kalash to Avika.

"Jiji!" - exclaimed Draupadi hugging Avika as she entered the temple premises.

"Draupadi ! Will you please help me by bringing water in this kalash from the river?" - asked Avika.

"Sure jiji! Come, let's go!" - said Draupadi and dragged Avika by her hand excitedly.

Avika and Draupadi were walking through the forest and talking to each other.

"Jiji, did you observe today the weather is so abnormal?" - asked Draupadi.

"Haa Drau! Clouds forming in this season is so abnormal, this kind of abnormal weather conditions never occurred in Mithila from the past twenty-four years." - said Avika.

"Jiji, I am getting scared, don't leave my hand jiji." - said Draupadi, scared of the abnormal weather conditions.

"Nothing will happen to you Draupadi, Go and fetch water into the kalash I will wait for you here only." - said Avika to Draupadi as they reached the river.

"No jiji, I am getting scared, please you go and fetch the water jiji, Please..." - requested Draupadi cutely with puppy eyes.

"Okay, Wait here only, don't run away anywhere..." - warned Avika and went to fetch the water.

As Avika dipped the golden kalash into the river to fetch water, her hands came into contact with the water. Being the daughter of prakriti herself, she immediately felt that something was wrong with the surrounding area.

"Draupadi!" - called out Avika.

"Haa jiji." - said Draupadi confused.

"Here, hold these water in your hands." - asked Avika and handed some water from the river from her hands into the hands of Draupadi.

"Jiji, this water is very cold." - said Draupadi.

"Haa Drau, In this season, cloud formation is abnormal, but you see, when there is cloud formation, then, the water from the water bodies, will be luke warm or warm, but this water is very cool, which is even more abnormal." - said Avika.

"Jiji, leave all this, come let's go." - said Draupadi as they were getting late for the puja.

"Wait Draupadi, we have to still collect hibiscus flowers for the puja." - reminded Avika to Draupadi.

"Okay jiji, come let's go....." - said Draupadi and took the water kalash from Avika's hands and handed the basket they brought for carrying flowers.

As they were heading to the forest to collect hibiscus flowers, Avika heard some commotion from a direction.

She moved in the direction of the sound, as she moved more near, that noise became more clear.

She saw a baby deer wailing out loudly for help and she saw that the forelimbs of the deer were injured and bleeding.

"Draupadi, I will come by treating this poor, little dear and by that time, you collect flowers and reach the temple, I will come directly to the temple." - said Avika and sent Draupadi away.

"Okay jiji"- said Draupadi and accepted to leave without Avika after some protests.

Draupadi collected the flowers and reached the temple and told Maharshi Yagnavalkya that Avika was treating the baby dear so she would be a little late.

Maharshi Yagnavalkya smiled at Avika's concern for the baby dear and worried inwardly that one day her good and helpful nature might land her into some problem one or the other day.

At the forest,

As Avika reached the baby dear to treat it, she saw that it has suddenly vanished.

She was scared and confused.

Suddenly, dense cloud formation was happening all over Mithila, and she was unable to see anything around her due to the dense fog formation.

She was very much scared.

Suddenly she heard some laughter noises around her and was panicking.

At the temple,

Draupadi and Maharshi Yagnavalkya were getting worried for Avika.

A long time has passed, but there was no trace of Avika.

They worry has been increasing second by second.

At last, they reached the palace and informed the king and Shri Krishna about Avika's absence.

Janaka immediately ordered the army troops to go in search of Avika.

Shri Krishna restricted Janaka from doing so and told that, "Avika will definitely reach the palace safe and sound" and told along with new feelings in her heart said Krishna in his mind.

Precap : The mark on her heart.

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