Chapter 11. The Early Morning Stroll

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Location : Mithila Royal Palace

"Welcome Maharshi Goutham, Welcome Suryaprasthraj !" - greeted Janaka and Sunaina to Maharshi Goutham and Karna.

Maharshi Goutham and Karna have reached the Royal Palace of Mithila just few seconds back and now Janaka and Sunaina are welcoming them into the palace.

"Maharshi, Suryaprastharaj ! Mithila land and we both are very grateful to receive guests like you both." - said Janaka and Sunaina beaming in joy.

"It's our pleasure rajarshi, and please don't call me 'Suryaprasthraj', I am like your son, so please call me by my name." - requested Karna. 

"Sure Karna." - said Janaka and Sunaina.

"Our daughter would show you the way and escort you both to your chambers Maharshi and Karna." - said Janaka and sent word for Draupadi and Avika.

Draupadi and Avika reached the main hall along with Krishna and Drishtadyumn.

Avika's breath hitched when she saw Karna there and Karna was awestruck seeing Avika.

Draupadi, Drishtadyumn and Krishna who knew about the feelings of Avika, were preparing lines in their minds to use later on for teasing Avika.

"Maharshi Goutham! Please come, I will escort you to your chamber." - said Draupadi, as she wanted Karna and Avika to be together.

And Avika was cursing Draupadi with all her knowledge in the language for leaving Avika alone with Karna.

Maharshi Goutham, sensing the feelings of Avika and Karna was cooking up some plans to tie them up and together and understood what might have happened during the samhaar of Shankasur.

"Maharaj, Please come" - said Avika to Karna without looking into his Kohl black eyes and turned forward to move to his chamber.

"Ji" - said Karna and followed her.

"Are you alright ?" - asked Karna to Avika as they were walking side by side.

"Ji?" - asked Avika clueless about why he was asking about her wellbeing.

"Yesterday, you were panicked right?" - asked Karna reminding her of yesterday's incidents and also the sudden hug.

Avika turned to deep red color and a little bit uncomfortable by those memories.

Sensing her uncomfortability, Karna suggested that they take a stroll in the garden.

Avika accepted to his idea and accompanied him to the garden.

"Janaka putri! Sorry if I made you uncomfortable" - said Karna.

"There is no need to say sorry and my name is Avika Maharaj." - said Avika in her melodious voice gently.

"Ji, Avika." - said Karna.

Suddenly, Avika lifted her head up and ran to the pond near the garden.

"See there maharaj ! You see those deer, Everytime I see these deer, I feel that they have freedom even though they live together." - said Avika excited.

"Freedom in unity? I didn't get it Avika." - said Karna.

"I meant that, even though all these deer stay together in one herd, each one has it's own life." - said Avika.

"Oh! I get it!" - said Karna.

"You are from Raghuvansh, right maharaj?" - asked Avika.

"Yes Avika." - replied Karna.

"I heard that the rule of Raghuvanshi's is very powerful but at the same time kind and justified." - said Avika.

"Yes, that is true Avika." - said Karna.

"Do you want to ask something Avika?" - asked Karna sensing Avika's hesitance for some reason.

"I just want to ask a question to you maharaj, Will you do multiple marriages like your ancestors?" - asked Avika with downcast eyes.

"No Avika, I think, that to have a healthy martial life, you need to be devoted to only one wife. So, I would marry only once." - said Karna.

Avika was on cloud nine.

"Karna, Avika, can you please help me?" - asked Krishna coming there suddenly.

Precap :  The letter

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