Chapter 13 : "Just like a pumpkin !"

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Location : Mithila Royal Palace

"But what's with seeing from the window and all ?" - asked Aditya red in anger.

"Huh?! Is this the way you take with your would-be bhabhi-sa's only sister ?" - muttered Draupadi under her breath.

"What?!" - said Aditya annoyed.

"What, what? You know what, I did not come for you, I came only for Maharaj Karna, I will myself ask him about his favorite dish." - said Draupadi angrily.

"Neem soup!" - said Aditya smirking.

"What?! How did you come to know that I came to invite you both for breakfast?" - asked Draupadi.

"Now, I have come to know that you can be awarded the first prize in forgetting things." - said Aditya and smirked.

"What?! Okay, let it be, now tell me, what is Maharaj Karna's favorite dish ?" -asked Draupadi.

"I already told you right, It's neem soup." - said Aditya.

"Neem soup?!" - asked Draupadi surprised.

"Yes, that will be just like you only right?" - asked Aditya.

"What?! My words are bitter?! And, your words they taste like kheer, right? You are always ready to fight with whomever you see, If Maharaj Karna is not along with you, then one fine day, some person will chop your head off your body, just like a pumpkin." - exclaimed Draupadi.

"Actually..." - started Aditya but was cut off by Draupadi.

"Maharaj Karna!" - said Draupadi and greeted him.

"Good Morning Devi Draupadi !" - greeted back Karna.

"And also sorry on behalf of Aditya." - said Karna.

Aditya was baffled.

"No, no Maharaj, there is no need for you to tell sorry" - said Draupadi.

"And I am here to invite you and your brother for special breakfast today, so please tell me what is favorite dish" - asked Draupadi.

"The food item maybe bitter or sweet, It completely depends on the person who is making it and the amount of love they add in it." - said Karna.

"And we both will surely come." - added Karna.

"Thank You !" - said Draupadi and left.

In the kitchen,

"Draupadi, if they won't tell me what is their favorite dish then how can I know it?" - worried Avika.

"Jiji, your hand is like mata annapurna's hand, so whatever you make will definitely taste good." - encouraged Draupadi.

"But that, Aditya, I hate him, Only if he was not Maharaj Karna's brother, then I would have mixed a large amount of chilly powder in his food such that, the milk he drank when he was 2 year old would have also been vomited by him!" - exclaimed Draupadi.

"Drau....!" - warned Avika.

"Jiji, you know, you and Maharaj Karna think in the same way, Just like how you supported Aditya, Maharaj Karna also supported me there!" - said an excited Draupadi.

Avika blushed and left from there.

Precap : Travelling 

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