Chapter 6 : The Truth Is Out !

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Location : Mithila

"Hey Narayan! I am exhausted! I don't know why maa has sent me alone to get yam?" - exclaimed Avika.

Suddenly, she hears a goat bleating somewhere and finds an injured goat and she carries that goat to Gargi's ashram to get it treated.

After getting it treated, she suddenly out of nowhere asks Gargi,

"Mata, why do you think I am attached to the prakriti a lot?" - asked Avika.

"What's there to think about it Avika ? It's natural right. You are given to Mithila by prakriti herself." - said Gargi unaware of the fact that Avika doesn't know her birth secret.

"Mata, but all organisms are also the gift of prakriti only naa?" - asked Avika.

"But, you are different Avika." - said Gargi and narrated the story of Avika's birth to her.

The king and queen of Mithila were taking a stroll in their garden when suddenly, a bright light appeared in front of them and a beautiful baby girl was present there.

Akashvani announced that her birth took place for a great cause and asked the newly wed couple to take care of her, To which they accepted her heartfully and named her as Avika.

Then years passed happily in Mithila where  Avika was brought up with immense love and care.

Avika who was overwhelmed by knowing the truth that she is not the biological daughter of her parents, she was aghast and emotional.

In the palace,

"Drau, Dyumn, if I was not your own sister will you both start hating me?" - asked Avika.

"Jiji, what are you saying? If we committed any mistake then please correct us, but don't say things like these." - said Draupadi almost on the verge of crying.

"Haa, jiji, even if you are not our own sister, then also we won't stop loving you or else we both will kill each other the next day itself without you ." - added Drishtadyumn.

But Avika was still in a daze.

Location: Dwaraka

"Hey Dwarakadish ! The atrocities of Shankasur have been increasing day by day, he is killing sages, destroying ashrams, and his army of demons are making our yagnas impure by adding blood and meat into the holy fire !" - lamented the sages in front of Shri Krishna.

"Haa Krishna ! Even I have been rescuing some sages from Shankasur's atrocities but Shankasur and his army of demons can only be defeated by a well trained warrior" - added Maharshi Goutham.

"Haa Kanha! It's only you who can save these poor sages now!" - added Balram.

"My dear people, Maharshi Goutham, Dau ! How can you think that a mere mortal like me can defeat a demon as powerful as Shankasur?" - said Krishna playfully.

"Krishna! Then whom should we consult other than you? Who is more powerful than Shankasur Krishna?" - questioned Maharshi Goutham.

"Maharshi Goutham ! There is a man, The Crown Prince of Ayodhya, The pride of Maharaj Daksh and Maharani Prashasti, The favorite disciple of Bhagwan Parashuram, Adidev Mahadev and the great Shukracharya, Vasusen, My friend Karna" - said Krishna.

"So Krishna, Do you think the Ayodhya Raj would send his favorite son, his apple of the eye with me to defeat a monster like Shankasur?" - asked Maharshi Goutham.

"But you are also forgetting that the lifeline of Maharaj Daksh and Maharani Prashasthi is also the king of Magadh and the builder of Suryaprasth." - added Krishna.

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