Chapter 21 : The Whispering Ruins

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Location : Mithila Outskirts

**Later That Evening, at the Camp**

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows through the trees as the group set up camp for the night. 

The encounter at the ruins had left them all slightly on edge, and the usual lighthearted banter was replaced with a more subdued atmosphere. 

The whispers from the ruins still echoed in their minds, a haunting reminder of the mysteries that lay hidden in these ancient hills.

Karna and Aditya gathered some wood to start a fire, while Avika and Draupadi prepared a simple meal. 

The warmth of the fire soon brought a sense of comfort, and the smell of cooking lifted their spirits slightly. Still, a sense of unease lingered, especially for Avika, who couldn't shake the feeling that the ruins held some deeper secret.

As they ate, Draupadi broke the silence. "Do you think those mercenaries went to the ruins?" she asked, looking at Karna.

Karna nodded thoughtfully. "It's possible. Their leader seemed interested, and treasure hunters are often drawn to places like that, no matter the risks."

Aditya added, "We warned them, but if they ignored our advice, there's little we can do now. We have our own journey to focus on."

Avika glanced at Karna. "What if they're in trouble? Should we try to help them?"

Karna considered this for a moment before responding. "If they chose to explore the ruins despite our warning, they knew the risks. But we can keep an eye out tomorrow. If we see any signs of them, we'll decide then."

The group agreed, and they settled in for the night, each taking turns to keep watch. The forest was unusually quiet, the only sounds being the crackling of the fire and the occasional rustle of leaves. It was as if the forest itself was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.

**The Next Morning, Near the Ruins Again**

The group set off early, hoping to put more distance between themselves and the ruins before midday. However, as they neared the edge of the forest, a faint sound caught Karna's ear—a distant cry, faint but unmistakable.

Karna raised his hand to halt the group, listening intently. The cry came again, louder this time, followed by a frantic shout. It was coming from the direction of the ruins."That's them," Draupadi said, her eyes wide with concern.

Karna exchanged a look with Aditya, then turned to the others. "Stay close. We're going to see what's happening, but be ready for anything."

They moved quickly but cautiously toward the ruins, the cries growing louder as they approached.

 When they reached the edge of the clearing, they saw the mercenaries. They were surrounded by a strange, eerie mist that seemed to emanate from the ruins themselves.

The leader of the mercenaries was on the ground, his face pale with fear, while the others frantically tried to pull him away. But something seemed to be holding him back—a shadowy figure, barely visible in the mist, with glowing eyes that stared into the leader's very soul.

Karna, ever the warrior, stepped forward, his sword drawn. "We have to help them," he said, his voice firm. "Stay close and don't let the mist touch you."

Aditya nodded, drawing his own sword. "Right behind you, jyesth."

As they approached the mercenaries, the mist seemed to shift and swirl around them, as if aware of their presence. The shadowy figure released the leader, who collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath.

"Get him out of here!" Karna ordered the nearest mercenary. "The rest of you, move back!"The mercenaries didn't need to be told twice. They scrambled to their feet and dragged their leader away from the mist, his eyes wide with terror.

Karna and Aditya held their ground, watching as the shadowy figure seemed to recede into the ruins. The mist slowly began to dissipate, and the eerie silence that had hung over the clearing lifted, replaced by the normal sounds of the forest.

"What was that?" Draupadi whispered, her voice trembling.

Karna shook his head, still on edge. "I don't know. But whatever it was, it's tied to these ruins. We need to leave, now."

The group quickly regrouped, helping the mercenaries back to their feet. The leader, still shaken, managed to speak. "Thank you... I don't know what happened. One moment we were exploring, and then... the whispers... they were in our heads, pulling us in."

Karna nodded, his expression serious. "You're lucky to be alive. These ruins are cursed, or something worse. You need to leave this place and never return."

The mercenaries agreed, their earlier bravado gone. They turned and hurried away, eager to put as much distance between themselves and the ruins as possible.

**Later That Day, On the Path to the Temples**

As they continued their journey, the group remained silent, each lost in their thoughts about what they had witnessed. Avika rode beside Karna, glancing at him occasionally, wondering what he was thinking.

Finally, she spoke. "Do you think the whispers were trying to warn us, or was it something more sinister?"

Karna considered her question carefully. "I don't know, Avika. Sometimes places hold onto the energy of what happened there—good or bad. The ruins... they felt like a place where something terrible occurred, and that energy lingers."

Avika nodded, understanding his caution. "I suppose some things are best left undisturbed."Karna's gaze softened as he looked at her. "You're wise beyond your years, Avika. Not many understand that."

She smiled, feeling a warmth in her chest at his compliment. "Thank you, Maharaj Karna. I'm just glad we're all safe."

Precap : The Mysteries

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~Author Rishi ♥♥♥

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