I think i was in love.

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Chapter 5. "I think I was in love"


Hearing Chloe's steady heartbeat against my chin made me feel safer than ever before. She was asleep, and I was lying awake, just listening to her heartbeat.

I often did this, just laying awake on top of Chloe, admiring her in silence. Just being around her filled me up with so much comfort, the kind of comfort I never found in anything else.

The fact that she was mine, almost at least. Made my heart race a little. I could sense her small movements, slowly waking up. She didn't even say anything, she gently started tracing the lengths of my hair, spreading all over her chest. I turned around to look at her, she smiled.

- Goodmor- she started, but by then I was already gracing her lips with my own.

I think I was in love.


I woke up, it was a few hours later. Somehow I fell asleep again, but this time Chloe was not underneath me. I smelled pancakes, and heard low music playing from the kitchen, Chloe humming. "You can kiss a hundred boys in bars".

I smiled, and I smiled again. Who was this woman, and what the hell did she do to the rebellious Red.

I stumbled into my red pajamas, my hair messy from sleeping and slowly walked towards the kitchen. Chloe turned to face me, and her face lit up like fireworks.

- Morning my love, she says walking over to me, wrapping her arms around me. "I made you pancakes".

She placed a few kisses on my neck, before walking over to the pan, flipping the last pancakes before settling it all on our small table.

- Let's see if they're better than yours.


It was now Sunday, Chloe was feeling sick, lying on the couch with fever. She was as usual stressed out about another test that she had tomorrow, feeling like she would still be sick by then.

I sat by the desk, actually trying to study for the same test when I heard Chloe.
- Red lovey? She whimpered from the couch, struggling.
- Yes Chlo?
- Can you get me some ice cream please?
- Sure!

I went out with the ice cream, and I was met with Chloe typing harshly on her phone, looking annoyed.

-Who are you texting like that? I said putting the ice cream down.
- Ughh. No one, she said putting her phone down before I could catch a glimpse.
- oh, okay. There's your ice cream. I said, walking out.

Who the fuck would she text like that?

I tried to ignore it and focus on my test, but the feeling of not knowing made me worried. This was my first time opening up, my first time falling in love. I didn't know how this worked.

I started missing Chloe's touch, I couldn't concentrate. I laid my pen down, and walked out to Chloe on the couch. She was watching some reality tv, laying there shivering.

- I miss you, I said, sitting down beside her.
- I miss you too my love, Chloe said taking my hand, looking at me with a little smile.
- How are you feeling? I said, taking the blanket and placing it further up Chloe's body.
- Not so good, Chloe said, shivering again.
- Can I lay with you? I asked.

She nodded and made some space. I laid down beside her, holding her.

- Aren't you worried you'll get sick? She asked, with her tiny voice.
- I don't care, I needed to be near you, I said, holding her closer.
- I really like you Red, you know that right?
- I like you too Chloe, I said tracing her curls, and down her back. I started making circles, and Chloe drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up it was Monday morning, and Chloe had gotten even more sick. She caught a cold, sneezing like crazy. I was getting ready for the big test, and was almost on my way out when I went to the couch to give Chloe one last kiss. She had fallen asleep again, and I tried not to wake her. I placed a kiss on her forehead, and started walking towards the test.

In the classroom I unpacked my stuff when a brown haired girl, with long shiny hair walked in. She looked like a snob, a rich snob. She had a Gucci bag, and sunglasses. You could sense her bitchy aura from miles away.

And I thought I was the bitch here, I thought, still watching her make her way to the front desk by the teacher. They seemed to know each other, he handed her some paper and told her to stay in front of the class.

- Morning class! Today before your big test I just wanted to introduce a transfer student, Anastasia Allander. Give her a big welcome.

While people started applauding, my eyes shot right up remembering the name.

What the fuck did Chloe's ex do here? Is it even her? How many Anastasia's could there be here?

- Why won't you go sit by Red over there, since Chloe's sick. Try doing as much as you can of the test.

No. Fuck no. No. No. No. NO.

She walked over to my desk, pulling out the chair and sitting down, doing bubbles with her gum. She slowly turned her sunglasses down with her finger, facing me.

- Do you know this?
She was referring to the test.

I shake my head, looking down at my own paper, with barely anything written except my name. I felt the anger racing when she started her next sentence.

- So, you're a friend of Chloe's?
- Yea, are you her ex? I spat out, looking at her with bloodshot eyes. I was so mad now, almost loosing it.

- Ha, what did she tell you? She asked, still doing bubbles and looking at her nails.
- Nothing, does she know you transferred here? My anger issues almost going crazy.

She was silenced for a second, before looking at me with a grin.
- I don't think so, why? You scared?

I completely lost it, the teacher had to drag me out of the classroom and I got kicked down to the principals office.

What the fuck would I tell Chloe?

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