More than that.

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Chapter 33 "more than that"
This chapter was hard to write, my English skills aren't as good as I thought LOL, but anyways enjoyyy

Reds pov

I woke up by hearing thunder outside, Chloe slept beside me, but Dragonfly was as awake as I. It was the middle of the night, the night before Halloween, mine and Chloe's one year anniversary.

Zack and Ryan had invited us to this Halloween party they were hosting. I was a little unsure about bringing Chloe, since she just had her first days completely without the pills.

It was all good now, she was herself again. We had been having a lot of heart to hearts, talking the situation out. But I still didn't stop doing her favors everyday, I felt like I really owned that to her. Also I really enjoyed doing it, everything was worth seeing her face lit up.

Another lighting filled the dark room, and slightly after came a raging thunder.

One thing we completely ignored was the fact that Chloe found a connection between Ryan and Anastasia's mom and dad. We didn't talk about that even once. I guess Chloe still felt like I didn't believe her. But I did.

If it was one thing I learnt from the situation, it was that I could trust Chloe. She always thought a thousand times before actually going to conclusions. Except when someone close to her was in danger, then she jumped with her head first.

Somehow I fell asleep again, and when I woke up the sun was shining into the room, the thunderstorm was long gone.

I felt a pair of hands on my stomach, Chloe spooned me from behind. I gently lifted her hands away and made my way up. Flyfly stayed in bed with Chloe as I went to the bakery to get fresh bread, and also a cake I ordered for our anniversary.

I wanted to make this day special, since we had been going through a tough time lately. I had to make sure Chloe had the best day.

When I came home again i placed all the food nicely on the table in our small kitchen, I also put some presents I got her on the side.

After a while I was happy with the way it turned out and went to wake Chloe up.

I placed kisses all over her face, until she started giggling. Dragonfly ran up to us, and started licking Chloe's face too.

- Stooop guys, she giggled, her face as soft as it usually were.

There's my Chloe, I thought.

- Happy anniversary, Chloe said, with a wide smile.
- Happy anniversary, baby, I have a surprise for you in the kitchen, I said, gently tracing her curls.
- You have?! Her eyes widened and her voice went up a few octaves.
- Yeah, come and look!

She jumped out of bed, as I lead her into the kitchen with my hand in hers.

She stopped right when she saw how pretty I set it all up.
- Omgg baby, thank you! She squealed, jumping on to me and embracing me in a hug.
- You're welcome, I whispered in her neck, placing my hands on her hips.

We pulled away as I initiated for her to open the presents.
- Yes, adidas campus as you wished, I proudly said.

She happily opened the rest of the presents, and after we sat down to eat.

- You know Zack and Ryan are hosting a party tonight, are you up to go? I asked.
- Umm, yeah, why not, Chloe answered, with bread all in her mouth.
- Okey, then I'll tell them where going!

Chloe invited me out to eat dinner before the party, obviously she took me to 'The dragonfly'. We had a really great day, we really needed the alone time.

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