Red, are you insane?

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Chapter 14. "Red, are you insane?"

(Damn I laughed writing this.)

Reds pov

Chloe and I walked down the hallway, hand in hand. We had first class together.

We walked inside the classroom, sitting down beside each other.
- Imma go grab some coffee before class starts, you want? Chloe said, already taking out her credit card.
- Yeah, sure, thanks. I said, and she walked off.

I pulled out my notes, as students started walking in.
- Hi!
I heard a voice beside me. I rolled my eyes.
- What do you want Anastasia? How did you even get into the school again? I snapped.
- Oh, I'm so sorry I upset you! She said, with a fake voice.
- What do you want?
- I just wanted to apologize, I did you and Chloe so wrong.

She started yapping about how awful she was towards us and how we should be friends, and how her dad got her into the school again... Bla.. Bla..Bla... I didn't fall for it, but I knew Chloe would.

- Okay, Okay. I'll let you be, but if you even try to talk to Chloe I'll kill you. You feel me?

She swallowed, and the teacher looked our way so she didn't say anything. She nods and walks away. Now I'm pissed again. Let me tell you that.

Soon Chloe walked in with our coffees, and the lesson started. She handed me the coffee and that's when she realized Anastasia sat a few rows away from us.
- What is SHE doing here? She whispers.
- Her dad has "contacts" apparently. I said, rolling my eyes.
- Did she talk to you? Chloe asks concerned.
- Ehmm, no. I turn down my face, looking at my paper.

Why did I lie?

- Let me know if she does, she has no right doing that. Chloe said, looking at me with a serious expression.

Class starts, and I can see Anastasia glancing at us, every chance she gets.

Wednesday morning

Me and Rob sat in the library studying, we had the same test in English. He turned out to be a decent person, I hate to admit it but he was kind of funny to be around. He had this weird sense of humor, which made him charming. Not in the Chloe way charming, she was a hundred levels above him.

We were talking, laughing and having a good time before he started talking about his weekend.
- So I was at a party, and met this girl Anastasia, she's amazing. I think she goes in your and Chloe's maths class?
- Rob, no fucking way.

I explained the whole situation.
- Well damn, cause me and her have a date now tonight.. Should I cancel? He asks, looking directly at me.
- No, that's probably wired, you go, but be careful and remember what I told you. I assure.

I got back to the dorm, and slammed the door. Making Chloe almost jump out her bed.

Wednesday NIGHT
- Chloe hand me the flashlight.
- Red? What are you having a flashlight for?
- Incase we need to follow them into a tunnel and trap them.
- Red. Where just spying from the car, maybe inside but then we need to be carful. We're not trapping them in a tunnel? What are you taking about. Chloe glanced at me, with a confused face.
- You'll see. I said back, sarcastically annoyed.
- Girl, you're crazy.

We jumped into the car, watching Rob drive away to pick up Anastasia. Chloe was driving.
- Does Rob know you're doing this? Chloe asked, jumping into the car.
- Uhm, No... I look down at my knees.
- You didn't tell him???
- Well NO, what was I supposed to say..? "Hi, I'm spying on you and your date BESTIE..." I exaggerate.
- Maybe not.. Chloe said, starting the car following Robs bmw.

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