Moving in- day.

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Chapter 27. "Moving in- day"
Had to write this one too..

Reds pov

Chloe gently stroke my hair, she instantly drove down here when she heard the news about Rob. My heart was in a thousand pieces, Rob was my first friend. My first honest friend. That meant so much to me. He was like a brother.

It was only the day after meeting Zack, I was really hungover. Mom too. She was currently lying in the end of my bed, as Chloe and I were up by the pillows.

Mom slept in here with me, as I had been crying all night until Chloe came. I couldn't believe it was true.

- So wait, Zack never told you what happened? Mom asked, holding on to a plastic bag that she could throw up in if necessary.

- No, not really. He said that the police wasn't sure if it was an accident or if it was someone who planned it, I explained.

- The only one we know is behind bars.. right? Chloe asked, her eyes wide and scared.
- Yea, Anastasia's very much behind bars, her dad too, Bridget said.
- Well, the only explanation would be that she has someone still on the outside? I questioned.

They both went silent for a second.

- Chloe, does Anastasia have any siblings or someone that could help her? Bridget asked.
- Well, not that I know of, but even if we dated she was very secretive about her own life. So she probably has, just not telling me about it.

- Should we tell the police? I ask, worried.
- No, not yet, mom said, looking around.
- What should we do then? Chloe ask, looking directly at mom.

- You guys go to school, act normal and try to figure out what really happened by hanging out with Zack, he probably knows more than he's telling. At some point you said that Anastasia knew Zack? Right? Didn't Rob tell you that on the night of the porch when he talked about the accident? Mom asked.

- Yeah, that's actually true! He must be really sure it's not her? Otherwise he wouldn't have choosen to go to Auradon prep? Right? I ask.

- Yeah! He's probably going there to find out who actually did it. Chloe said.

I turned to look at Chloe,
- Yeah, and we will too!


August 8th.

Moving in- day

Reds pov

- Chloe you need to hold harder, we'll drop the suitcase!!
- I'm holding! You're the one that needs to hold harder!

Me and Chloe tried to make our way up the stairs, up to our dorm. But the baggage was a little too heavy.

- You guys need help? A voice behind us asked.

I turned around and was met with a familiar pair of blue eyes.

- Omg Zack! Hi! Ummm, yeah.. A little help wouldn't hurt. I exclaimed.

Chloe and I dropped the baggage, as he lifted it up like it was nothing. We just ran after like dogs.

- This good? He said, putting it down on the floor inside the dorm.
- That's perfect, thank you! Chloe said, smiling at him.
- No problem, he said, getting ready to leave.
- Wait, Zack! I screamed.

He slowly turned around,
- Yeah?
- When can I see you? Like, we could hang out.. All four? Or only me.. You decide!
- Oh yeah, that would be so fun! I'm up for anything, I can ask Ryan too, my boyfriend.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah I said fast.
- I have your number Red, I'll text you!
- Yes, do so, or just come here, whenever you want! Ryan too, of course.

Zack smiled as he walked away and closed the door.

Chloe turned to me,
- Wow, he's like a copy of Rob, but like more blond hair. She said.
- Yeah, I know, they're so alike, I feel like I'm sucking up his whole aura, cause it reminds me of Rob, and I can't get enough, I sighed.

- Yeah, now I'm doing that too. I was so wrong about Rob, he was the nicest young man I ever met, Chloe said, looking down at the floor.

- Hey, it's okey! You thought you were protecting me! I said, as I walked closer to her, wrapping my arms around her.

- Yeah I know, but how could I be so wrong? He was the nicest guy, I feel so bad Red. She said on my shoulder.

- I know baby, but we'll do anything we can to get to the bottom of what actually happened to him. We'll do anything to help Zack.
- Yeah, anything, Chloe said, still resting her head on my shoulder.

Suddenly Dragonfly stroke herself against our legs, looking up at us. I picked her up, kissing her.
- You miss Rob to Flyfly?


The first day of classes, as always, me and Chloe walked hand in hand down the hallway. The first thing we saw in the new class we were taking was Zack and Ryan, sitting in the back row. Chloe and I snuck in at the table beside them.

- Hi guys! Zack happily said.
- Hii, both me and Chloe said in union as we sat down.

Ryan held out his hand, greeting us.
- I'm Ryan, the boyfriend, so nice to meet you ladies!

After the greeting, Chloe turned to me and whispered,
- Omg, they're so nice!! But you can really see the darkness inside Zack's eyes, he's like traumatized.
- Yeah I know, poor guy!

The lesson started, me and Chloe did our best to concentrate. Now we had more than one mission being here.

1. Study
2. Find out who killed Rob.


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