I know Zack, I know.

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Chapter 34. "I know Zack, I know"

Hmmm, Chloe and Red is on to something here 👀

Red pov

- Zack, you have to believe me! This is literally what we found on Ryan's phone, I'm surprised you haven't even figured that out yourself, I exclaim, showing Zack the picture Chloe took of Ryan's phone for the tenth time.

- Red.. I hear you, but I don't want to believe the worst immediately! He's my boyfriend!

- Yes, BUT HE'S ANASTASIAS BROTHER!! And he's been hiding it for you for a whole year!! I mark, trying to convince him.

- Yeah, but he probably has a really good explanation, I bet he does! Zack states, looking at me with puppy eyes.

I sigh, it hurts seeing Zack like this. Especially after everything that's already been happening.

- I know Zack.. You sound just like your brother, he always saw the good in people. But you see where that got him? For being involved with Anastasia, dead! I commented, still trying to convince him.

He stays quiet for a moment, I look at him with concerned eyes. He looks down at the table where sitting at, anxiously biting his lips.

- R- Red? He stammers.. His voice cracking.

I look at him, ready for him to continue,

- D- Do-, he sighs, looking down again.

He slowly takes a deep breath and gets the whole sentence out.

-Do you think Ryan had anything to do with Robs  death?

He looks into my eyes, you could see the darkness behind the eyelids. He was in so much pain, even talking about his brother.

- Let me put it this way, Anastasia could make anyone do her favors, people she doesn't even know. If Ryan is her brother, I would definitely believe she could manipulate him into doing that, yeah. He even called her, in prison! I shouted, lifting my hands to gesture.

- Red, what do I do? He's been lying to me for a whole year! Zack exclaims, getting more angry.

- I know Zack, I know.

I close the door to our dorm, throwing my bag on the floor.

- How did it go with Zack, any luck? Chloe asks, sitting in bed with her laptop, studying.
- He believes it, and he's gonna talk to Ryan.

- Woaah, is that a good idea? We don't have much proof that he did anything to Rob yet, Chloe marks.

- I think them being siblings is evidence enough for a lifetime! I said, making my way over to the bed, plopping down beside her.

- Yeah, Ryan's kind of on top of our suspect list, but one more person who's pretty close is Uma! Chloe states, looking at me seriously.

- Why Uma? I ask, confused.
- Don't you remember me telling you what I overheard? When Ryan talked to her when I was down grabbing apple juice? Chloe asked, with confusion written all over her face.

- Yeah right, I think you told me, Ryan lied that day, he said he was back home, but he was here the whole time, I said, putting one and one together.

- Wait.. Chloe said, taking her phone up.
- Huh? I ask, leaning over to watch what she's doing.

She opens her phone, goes into her pictures and zoom in on the ones she took from Ryan's phone.

- Omg baby look!! That's the same day I overheard him and Uma, he called Anastasia in prison that day! Chloe shouted, pushing the phone screen up in my face.
I gently pushed it down.

- Yeah Anastasia or their dad, they are both in that prison, I mark, making Chloe think.

- True, but let's say it's Anastasia, then that would be proof he's working with her, also being most likely the one that killed Rob! Chloe exclaimed, putting her computer away.

- But why would he go talk to Uma? I ask.

- Maybe he lied to Zack about going home, but he was actually going to visit Anastasia and his dad in prison? Like he couldn't exactly tell Zack, he didn't even know he had siblings, or a dad, Chloe marked, getting lost in her theory.

- That could be it, but still waiting for the Uma part, I say as I playfully roll my eyes.

- Right! Uhm, maybe he needed permission? Or Anastasia asked him to talk to her? Maybe about us? I don't know! Chloe exclaimed, getting stuck on the subject.

- Uma was acting really really wired last time I spoke to her, she's up to something, I said, annoyed.

- Yeah, she's definitely working with them, or at least sitting on information, Chloe mutters.

- Aren't I a good spy now? I say sarcastically, as I roll myself over her. She playfully tries to push me off.

- Yeah, baby you are, the best one, she teases as she places a soft kiss on my lips.

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