Thank you, Rob.

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Chapter 22. "Thank you, Rob"
Woaaahhh, are you ready for this??? I'm not.

Reds pov

08:30 Friday morning

- Good morning love, are you already up? Chloe asked me as she walked into the kitchen, giving me a kiss as I sat by the table eating breakfast.
- Ummm, yeah, I said as I took another bite of my sandwich.

The truth was, I didn't sleep. Rob and I were out all night, trying to figure out how to stop Anastasia. He told me that Anastasia had no idea he was actually helping me. That bitch would get a surprise. Unfortunately Chloe too...

Chloe gave Dragonfly some food and made herself some breakfast before she sat down beside me.
- You look tired baby, did you even sleep? Chloe asked, also taking a bite of her own sandwich.
- Um, yeah I did, I lied looking down at the table.

- Oh okay, I didn't feel you wake up even, she said, looking at me.
- Um no, I was up early at the gym, training my arms you know? I lied.
- Yeah, that's probably good baby, she said taking my hand.

Chloe looked worried, I knew this was hard on her, having to lie about everything. But she didn't know I was lying too...

Today was Friday, and the whole school was invited to a party hosted by one of the students.
- Are you sure you wanna go Red? Chloe asked, concerned.
- Yeah, it's been a long time since I was at a party, I've missed it!
- If you drink as much as last time I'll kill you! Chloe said, with a death glare.
- Woooah, girly, I kinda like when you're possessive, I said, lifting my hands over my head.

Chloe rolled her eyes, scrolling on her phone.
- Are you sure you can handle a party, and alcohol with your arms and just ending the medication? Red I'm worried about you! Chloe said carefully.
- I'll be fine Chloe.

I knew she wasn't just scared that I'd get hurt because of the alcohol, she was afraid Anastasia might make her move, or that Rob would be lurching in the shadows.

But I had it all under control, I thought, Chloe didn't need to worry, yet.


Since our classes were cancelled, we decided to go try on some new clothes for the party. We also decided to have lunch at 'The dragonfly' - the restaurant I took Chloe to on our date. We saw it as our restaurant.

We also where at the mall when a girl randomly came up to me,
"Hi, I'm so sorry, but I think you're gorgeous, can I have your number?"

I was in shock, I was surprised someone even could tell I liked girls, and second of all walk straight up to me and ask. I froze, and said nothing for a moment.

Chloe wasn't pleased with the situation, she walked up beside me, facing the poor girl.
"I'm sorry miss but she has a GIRLFRIEND"
Chloe stated, giving the girl an eye-roll.

- Oh I'm so sorry, the girl said, walking away.

Chloe started walking, leaving me behind. She threw her hands over her chest, looking angry. I was enjoying this waaaay too much, I even felt horny from seeing her like this.. Was that wired?

I started running to catch up with her,
- Chloe wait, waaaait baby!! I said, tugging at her arm.
- What? She spat, stopping and turning around.

She knew I was enjoying this.
- You're cute when you're mad baby, I said, kissing her.

Chloe couldn't hold it in anymore, she couldn't act tough. Her face was lit up with a smile, and she started giggling.

I felt butterflies fly around In my stomach from seeing Chloe happy. The most important thing to me was her happiness.

- I'll tell you what, go pick out whatever you want and I'll pay for it, to make it up to you, I said and winked as I started walking.

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