She succeeded.

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Chapter 23. "She succeeded"

Red Pov

Rob was gone, he left school to go back to live with his parents and his brother. I couldn't imagine how cruel Anastasia was, threatening his brother, hitting him with a car just because Rob refused to help her anymore.

It was Monday morning, Chloe wasn't exactly pleased that I figured it all out, she thought it would put me in more danger, that I took to many things for granted. But I knew she said that because she was scared.

I was laying in bed, petting Flyfly and Chloe was just walking out of the shower. She walked over to me, with her hair wet and placed a few kisses on my mouth.

She was so pretty, with her hair all wet and her face looking so soft.
- Baby, can't we just stay in today? I don't want to go to any classes. I groaned, as Chloe started to get dressed.
- Red... We have that maths test, remember?

I pouted, she saw this and couldn't argue it.
- Fine, but then I want snacks!

I lit up, and went out of bed to put sweats on.

We walked down the street to a grocery store to get some snacks, I was tired and rested my head on Chloe's shoulder every chance I got. She smiled and kissed my forehead.

We walked around in the store, and I stopped by the section of chocolate. Chloe laughed,
- Don't you ever get tired of just chocolate and Pepsi max? Like for how long have you been obsessed?

I raised an eyebrow,
- Don't ever question my love for chocolate again, I said walking away.

Chloe laughed.

She caught up, and held my hand.
- Okay okay, I won't, you're just cute. She said, kissing my lips again.
- What do you want Chloe? I asked, looking around in the shelf of candy.

Chloe picked out some popcorn and sour candy, we also bought groceries for dinner.

When we walked down the last row to get to the cashier we heard a familiar voice talking to someone through the phone in the row behind us. We both froze.

"I know, dad, I know, just trick her for a little longer, I need to get inside of that house, please"

Chloe looked at me, her eyes widened. Even I got chills from hearing her voice, and understanding who she talked about.

Chloe turned to me and whispered,
- We need to warn your mom, NOW!

We where hiding inside the grocery store until we where sure Anastasia was out of there, then we quickly paid and went to call mom.

She didn't pick up.

- Well is she at work? Chloe asked, her voice cracking a little.
- Well no, she shouldn't be, this is her day off!! I said in panic.
- Try again, Chloe said.

No answer.

I felt my body go up in flames, I completely panicked. What if something happened to my mom? What if she was Anastasia's next victim?

I collapsed into a ball on the ground, holding my knees with my arms. I couldn't stand up, I felt to dizzy. I felt my chest tighten, I couldn't breathe.

Chloe sat down beside me, and wrapped her arms around me.
- It's okay baby, we won't let anything happen okay? I'm calling my mom right now, and she'll meet us? We can go back home to your mom's all together and see so she's fine? Chloe asked, trying her hardest to stay calm for my sake.

I nodded, but couldn't move the rest of my body from the ground. Chloe went to call her mom, and I just felt dizzier and dizzier.

After a while I only saw Chloe as a blur when she came rushing back, she picked me up from the ground, holding me.
- It's okay baby, my mom's on her way, she'll meet us there. Come on!

Chloe drove fast, she became worried too. The whole ride home I was looking out of the window, feeling my anxiety coming and going.

The things Anastasia put us through were almost too much now. Sure, I was strong as a person, I didn't let anyone get to me. But now, all I felt was darkness and danger. Especially when she already took one person away from me.

I didn't want to go there, but it almost felt like I wasn't meant to succeed in life. Everyone just left, like it was nothing. For me it was so hard, but I didn't show it. I held so many emotions inside of me, and wouldn't let them out.

I wondered how Chloe managed. I couldn't manage much longer. The only thing keeping me was Chloe. But what would happen if she lost the spark? Maybe she would see that I wasn't worth it?

What happened If I lost the spark?
Would we break up?

I glanced over at Chloe, feeling the anxiety rise. Maybe that was for the best? Maybe we were not meant to be if all we experienced was misery. Maybe all the things that happened was signs that we were not the right fit.

Hell even Auradon prep maybe wasn't even the place for me. Just because it was the best thing that happened to my mom a hundred years ago, didn't mean it would be the best thing for me. Right?

I thought about it, and I twisted the thoughts a hundred times until we reached home, and realized my mom's car wasn't even in the driveway.

- Wait no? No, no, no.... Where is she? I panicked, looking down at my phone again.

No messages.

I felt the tears running down my face, and I didn't even stop them.
- Chloe, I can't do this anymore!

Anastasia got to me. She succeeded.

Don't worry guys, that's all I'm saying 🙏🏻

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