The stone definitely exploded.

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Chapter 21 "The stone definitely exploded"

Whoahhhh there's a lot going on, are yall keeping up??🤔🤔

Chloe's pov

- Chloe please, just let me see her, let me explain! Rob said, standing by the door.
- No, Rob I know you're working with Anastasia. I shouted.

- I know Chloe, but please you got to understand, I never wanted to hurt Red, Anastasia just got something on me. He said, almost seeing tears in his eyes.

I took a second to breathe, maybe that was true. I already thought about that, Anastasia was a master at manipulation. She could turn anyone to what she wants.

- No Rob, aside from you I actually love Red, and would never do anything to hurt her.
- You wait Chloe, if Anastasia gets under your skin you'll do anything too. Just tell Red that I'm sorry, and that I'm cutting all contact with Anastasia. He said, walking away.

I closed the door and sat down beside Red again, who was slowly waking up.
- Hello sunshine, I said, kissing her lips. I felt like someone shoved a stone down my throat, lying to her like this. But it was better not to get her involved.
- Oh I missed you baby! Red said carefully, holding out her burned arms, waiting for me to lay down on her chest.

When I saw her arms, it felt like the stone in my throat would explode. That someone did that to her, all because of me. I was the reason she was hurt, and I didn't know if I could live with that.

- Is anything wrong? Red asked, her voice being tiny, as she was in so much pain.
- No, not at all, I said, laying down in her embrace.

It was wired to see Red like this, so helpless, she was the strongest person I knew, and now I was the one who needed to help her.

After a while Red was fast asleep again, and I heard my phone make noises. I looked at the screen and was met with more messages, and I guess they were from Anastasia.

"Leave your girlfriend or she dies"
"I'm serious, don't play with me"

The stone definitely exploded.


It was a while later, I still didn't know what to do. Red was getting better, she was up from bed and her burn marks were slowly disappearing. I knew she could sense that something was up.

We decided that we would head to first class together, taking the day slowly since it was the first day back.

We went into maths when I spotted Anastasia in the first row. She glanced at me, looking powerful, like she knew exactly how to play the game. But one thing was for sure, I wouldn't let her win.


Reds pov

Chloe thought I was stupid, I knew something was up. When I slowly started going back to normal I also did everything I could to find out what happened.

When Chloe was in the shower I looked through her phone, seeing messages from a blocked number, and some from my mom and Rob.

Everytime Chloe was out, getting groceries or going to class I would sneak around to put everything together. I even put up a whiteboard in my closet, trying to put the pieces together.

After a while I got it. The messages were from Anastasia, she wanted Chloe to breakup with me so she could win her back and win her stupid game. Chloe was working with my mom, who still was with Anastasia's dad, only because he threatened her to hurt me. Everyone was after me.

I even took a trip down to Uma, realizing I didn't mix anything up, Rob did it. That's why Chloe didn't want me to see him, but I did, in private.

I knew he was in our side, but Anastasia had something on him, something big, and I needed to know what it was.

I needed to stop Anastasia before Chloe broke up with me, or before Anastasia hurt Rob because he wouldn't hurt me anymore.

When I met Rob, he explained, I understood him not wanting to hurt me, he had to. I think anyone could do anything under the right pressure.

Chloe was so cute protecting me like this, but what she didn't know, I didn't need it, I was one step ahead of her.

But to succeed, I couldn't let her know, that I knew exactly what was going on.

I was going to beat Anastasia at her own damn game.

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