I barely felt my body.

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Chapter 18. "I barely felt my body"

Red pov

Rob and I where walking down the hallway, making our way to chemistry. We were both in this class and usually went together in the morning. I needed to figure out what Anastasia was planning, but I also didn't want to ruin my friendship with Rob. So I decided to ask about it smoothly, so he didn't get suspicious.

We sat down at the back of the classroom as students made their way in.

- So what class does Chloe have now? Rob asked, unpacking his things.
- Uhmm, she's still at the dorm, taking care of Flyfly. She starts a little later today. I replied, my eyes scanning Rob down. His brown hair was messy, but he somehow pulled it off. He was actually very good looking.

- Oh okey, and Red I'm sorry if things were weird about the date with Anastasia and stuff, I don't want to loose you as a friend just because I'm dating her. He said, nervously moving his hair to the side.
- yeah, I know, it's fine I-

I was interrupted by the teacher that highly shouted out the instructions of today's lab. When he was done, Rob excused himself to go get all the stuff we needed for lab.

I sat at the bench, waiting for him. How would I ask him about Anastasia? I needed him on my side. That family already had him, AND my mom. I didn't like that. Not at all.

He came back carrying a box full of things, the chemistry class we both took was the hardest one. One little slip up and you were done.

- Okey, let's go. He said, after we changed into white lab robes, and glasses.

Rob gently put all things together, and we were about to test different combinations of substances. You really needed to concentrate to not mix anything up, otherwise an explosion could occur.

- Okey, Red hand me the first substance and a spoon.

I gently gave it to him, as we both tried to concentrate to get everything right. But I still felt the need to ask him about Anastasia, I felt like the questions were eating me inside.

- Uhm, so Rob, how much do you really know about Anastasia... I mean, you don't really know her yet right? I said, as I handed him the next substance.

- Yeah, I feel like I kind of know her tho. She's mysterious, and I like that, kind of reminds me of you. He said as he poured the next substance in the cup and stirred.

- Me? You think I'm mysterious? I asked, surprised.
- Yeah, you are! You two are kind of alike. He stated.

I scoffed,
- Hell no Rob, she's disgusting!! She's a monster, evil, I hate her-
- God Red, calm down! Maybe you're right, I should get to know her a little more, he said carefully, looking into my eyes.

- Yeah, you should, I said as we switched places. Rob was now the one handing me substances.

- Red, maybe you should give her a chance? He asked.
- No, she tried to kill me!! I spat, almost knocking down the cup.
- Careful Red!! He said, catching it in time.
- Sorry... I muttered.

He looked at me for a while before speaking up,
- I know you don't like her, and I don't want to take sides, but I feel like she always had a lot going on, there's a reason for her to act like this. Humans don't just get born being evil, they turn evil because things happen to them.

I turn quiet for a moment, he was right. If it wasn't for my dad, maybe my anxiety never would have shown up this bad.

- Yeah, maybe... I said, putting one of the substances in.

Rob and I look at each other's eyes, thinking about the situation.

Suddenly something starts bubbling beneath me. I saw Robs scared face expression.

I looked down in panic, realizing I put the wrong thing in there. I panicked, I froze. I couldn't move.

Suddenly fire was coming out from the cup, almost hitting my face. I felt something stinging so hard I fell down on the ground. I felt like I was burning. And I was.

My robe caught fire, and I was lying on the floor not knowing what to do. Rob flew down beside me, trying to get the fire out. But too much of the robe was already on fire.

He panicked too, screaming for help.

All the students flew down beside, trying to help. I cried out in panic, feeling the heat on my arms.

I felt it until the teacher came with a fire extinguisher that stopped the fire.

Rob carried me out to his car, driving to the hospital.

I barely felt my body.


Chloe's pov

I was trying to study since my classes started way later than Reds. Dragonfly was laying in my lap, sleeping as I tried to solve the maths problem. But I couldn't.

I was taken aback when I noticed the phone ringing, it was a number I didn't recognize. But I picked up.

- Hi Chloe, it's Rob. You need to come to the hospital, something happened to Red.

I froze, as I felt my heart beating out my chest. I totally panicked. I barely remember taking me to the hospital, as I was so scared, not knowing what was happening.

I stormed into the big hospital, feeling like I was in a movie. Everything was blurry, I came to the desk and asked for Red.

Before the doctor could answer, Rob took me by my arm, dragging me into Reds room.

I felt my heart crack when I saw her lying in the bed, her arms resting on the sides, with burn marks. I felt tears escaping my eyes. She was asleep.

- Rob. What the hell happened?

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