The Dragonfly.

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Chapter 13 "The Dragonfly"

(As always, sorry for spelling mistakes)

Chloe pov

Red and I were on our way back to Auradon prep college. We spend the weekend at Reds house, also my mom showed up later on Saturday night, having a cozy dinner with us.

She invited Red over to our house for Christmas break, that was a few weeks away. Red had never met my dad and my brother Chad. And honestly, I was a bit nervous.

I was snapped out of my thoughts, and looked at Red sitting beside me, looking out the bus window admiring the nature. She had her AirPods in her ears, holding my hand in her lap. She gently rubbed my hand with her thumb, like a reminder that she loved me.

I thought a lot about what I read in her diary, she had a lot of trauma behind her. My upbringing was not like that. Sure my brother Chad caused a lot of troubles, but my family was always really loving, which probably formed me into an understanding human. I felt like I had so much love to give, give to Red.

We talked it all out yesterday, she wasn't mad I read her diary, she was surprised and probably a bit nervous about me knowing.

I feel like I learn more and more about her each day, and I feel like I love her even more seeing her flaws.

No one's perfect, and you don't love someone who's perfect. You love someone that sticks out, a special one.

Red is special, she is rebellious. That's probably what I love most about her, what other people would say is her weaknesses. I think that's the best part about her. She's wild.

And underneath all that wildness, she's as soft as a teddy bear.

Suddenly someone walks on the bus, and the whole energy changes. When I see her brown hair my blood freezes. How did she get back?

I panicked, Red could not see her.

But it was too late, Red took out her AirPods,
"What the fuck is she doing back?"

I looked at her, trying to be clueless.
"Who" I say.


Ugh, I hate that name.


Reds pov

We were back at the dorm, laying in bed, all cuddled up.
- You know that I love everything about you, right? Chloe whispers, while tracing my skin with her fingers.

- What? I say, looking at her deep brown eyes.
- I love all sides of you, to me you don't have flaws, not like that.
- What do you mean? I ask.
- I love you more because you're not perfect, loving someone who's perfect isn't even love.

I didn't even know what love was, or what it meant. All I knew was that I loved Chloe, more than I ever loved anyone before, and that was a scary feeling.

I felt like Chloe had done so much for me, so I got an idea.


It was Monday, and Chloe had classes all day. Most of mine were canceled, I only had maths and English in the morning. I decided to do something special for Chloe. I was laying at the dorm, texting her while she was in class.

"Baby, don't run away after your next lesson, okay?;)" I wrote.

She replied in a few seconds,
"Oh, why is that?"

I only sent an emoji as answer, a flirty one. She was gonna get surprised.

When the clock strikes three, I get up and walk the short walk to a flower shop that's right beside the college. I get Chloe a bouquet of red roses, with some sparkling glitter. They were beautiful.

I looked at the time, I had 15 minutes to get back before Chloe's class ended.

After walking back, I searched up the classroom and sat down on a bench outside waiting. I impatiently was shaking my leg, I was kind of nervous, I never did anything like this for anyone. It felt good, but kind of corny.

Suddenly the classroom door flung opened and students began walking out. I flew up from the bench, holding out the roses while I spotted Chloe walking out.

After a few seconds she saw me, holding the flowers. Her hand flew over her mouth and she froze. Her eyes were widened, and she was in shock. She moved forward, and I handed her the flowers. She gently took them in her tiny hands, and a tear fell down her cheek.

- Red..... They're so beautiful.... Thank you.

I lifted her chin and kissed her, she kissed me back with so much passion. She held the roses in one hand while the other was grabbing my waist.

We broke the kiss, and she looked at me with some mascara down her cheeks.

- Well, let's go! We have a lot to do. I said, dragging her by her blue shirt.

Her perfectly curly hair was up in a bun, with some hair strands falling down her forehead. She looked so beautiful. Her smile was contagious.

I took her to a new restaurant that opened, a 10 minute walk from school. It was nice, and fancy. Chloe was still holding on to the flowers, while sitting in front of me in a sofa at the restaurant called "The dragonfly".

We order in some food, and got some drinks. Chloe's eyes widened when the waitress brought  in the food. It was perfectly laid up, all kinds of fruit and a lot of different Italian foods.

- Chloe, I really love you.

She smiled, smiled bigger than she ever done before, still holding on to the roses.

Before we left, we both got a cute little pin with the restaurant's logo. All new costumers got one. We both agreed on that The dragonfly were our new favorite restaurant.

I gently took Chloe's hand in mine, and led her down the street. The sun was starting to set, and I had one more thing planned for the night.

We walked for a while, and by the beach I knew there would be an outside cinema, playing some new movie.

We sat down in the beach, with a hundred other people who also were there to watch it.

It felt like it was just Chloe and I, the sun setting, a cute cinema setting. It felt like a dream. Everything about Chloe was a dream. She was like a dragonfly, rare but still so so so beautiful.

I looked at her, and she looked at me back. I gently kissed her lips, looking out over the water. The sky was shining up in pink shades. I held Chloe closer and felt her tiny hands slip inside my jacket.

Could life get any better than this?

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