Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye

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AUTHORS NOTE: TW (MENTIONS OF PREGNANCY LOSE/MISCARRIAGE), this is my first story so i hope you like it!! please leave requests!!! 957 words

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 "Tay sweetie, time to get up, you have a show," I said, kissing the top of Taylor's head.

"Trav no, I can't," Tay says, turning over in bed and facing me. I cup my hands around her head and I kiss the top of Tay's head again.

"Tay you have a show," I whisper and Tay nods and starts to get up. Tay walks into the bathroom and gets ready. Taylor starts to do my makeup and I walk in and wrap my arms around her waist. "Is something wrong?" I ask, kissing Tay's neck. Tay shrugs.

"I just have really bad cramps," Taylor says.

"I'll get you something Advil," I say, rubbing her lower stomach lightly. She turns around and leans into my chest. I rub her back for a few minutes and let her finish getting ready. I go to the kitchen and grab some Advil from the counter and bring it back to her. I eat a little breakfast but Tay just pushes hers around on the plate. I don't push her but I'll bring it up later when she feels better. We drive to the stadium in Italy and Tay starts to get ready.

"Trav-" Tay starts and I see her eyes fill with tears. I walk away from talking to Kam and go over to Taylor.

"What's wrong baby girl?" I ask sitting down next to her. Tay shakes her head and buries her face into my shoulder. I rub her back. "You're going to have to redo all your makeup if you cry." I say. Tay lets go and looks down. I see a tear fall and I lift her chin up and wipe away her tears gently. "It's okay sweetie, I'm right here and I'm not leaving you." We stand together in silence for a minute before Taylor wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me. Tay goes into the bathroom and I go to the VIP suite to let her finish getting ready. It's about halfway through the show in between Folklore and 1989 when I get a call. It's from Tree so I picked it up quickly.

"Travis, we need you backstage right now," Tree says. Before she says anything else I start to walk to the suite. I break into a run and fall to my knees when I see Taylor sitting on the ground crying.

"What happened?" I ask frantically, pulling her into a tight hug. Tree shakes her head.

"Taylor got offstage and we were helping her change but then she started panicking and I think she's having a panic attack and told me to call you," Tree says. I nod. I pull her closer into my chest and she starts to sob. Tree leaves us alone to talk and we sit for a few seconds in silence before I talk.

"Tay sweetie, what got you so scared?" I ask. Taylor shakes her head and wipes her tears away as I see more well up in her eyes.

"I didn't have a panic attack, I've been getting really bad cramps for almost a week now because I'm pregnant. Or at least I was pregnant," Taylor says as her voice shakes.

"Oh Taylor, baby, I'm so sorry," I say pulling her into my arm and she starts to cry again. I rub her back and run my fingers through her hair for almost 15 minutes before she slowly sits up.

"I can't go out and perform, I can't," Tay says. I nod.

"You aren't expected to Tay, something huge happened to you, and it wasn't good, you aren't in the right mindset to do it, and that's okay, I'm right here." I say. Taylor buries her face in my shoulder. And I kiss the side of her head as Tree walks in.

"Is everything okay?" Tree asks standing above us.

"Not really, Tay just needs some space and she's not going back out to perform tonight," I say. All of a sudden Tree starts telling Taylor off.

"What do you mean? Taylor, the show is half over, please, we can't cancel it, just another hour. Taylor, we are not canceling this show or rescheduling it, it's half over, we can't just not do it," Tree shouts. Taylor looks at me with tears welling in her eyes and she stands up and walks to the car without saying anything. I stand up next to Tree and sigh.

"Tree, she just lost her baby, she had a miscarriage on stage, give her a little credit," I say and then walk to Taylor. I sit down in the car and I hear my phone ding and I slowly pick it up. It's from Tree apologizing. I throw my phone onto the ground and pull Taylor closer to me. "Tay baby, I'm so sorry, Tree shouldn't have said that and I'm so sorry for how bad you must be feeling."

"It's my fault though, if I was more careful–" Taylor starts before she cries again. I shake my head as she buries her face in my shoulder.

"No, Taylor, don't say that, you couldn't have known, don't blame yourself," I say as we get to the hotel.

"I can't stay here Trav, I can't, I want to go home," Taylor says looking up at me. I nod.

"I know Tay, I don't know what to tell Tree though, I know she's worried about you," I say.

"I'll perform tomorrow, I'm not talking to Tree, and after tomorrow we're going home directly after the show," Tay says. I nod and kiss the top of her head. I lead Tay to bed and she collapses into tears again. I lay next to her until I hear her breaths slowing to sleep. 

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