S4.EP23 The Engagement Reaction. The Baby Is Here.

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The Cheesecake Factory. All of the guys except Y/N were there eating with Priya. Bernadette and Penny observed from a distance.

Penny: Hey, do me a favour and take table seven.

Bernadette: You mean the one with my one hundred and eighteen-pound rock-hard stud of a fiancé who's prone to canker sores and pinkeye?

Penny: Nah, I prefer to look at it as the one with my ex-boyfriend and his gorgeous, successful and sophisticated girlfriend, who makes me feel like a toothless Okie.

Bernadette: Do you want me to spill hot soup on her?

Penny: Oh, please, you're not that kind of person.

Bernadette: I know. But if she orders something low-fat I'll totally give her the full-fat version.

Leonard: Uh, that's my water.

Sheldon: What?

Leonard: My water. You're drinking it.

Sheldon: Dear Lord! Have you been drinking it?

Leonard: Yes. It's my water.

Sheldon: Well, that's it then. I'm dead.

Leonard: Here we go.

Sheldon: I'm sorry, do I really need to connect the dots for you? The backwash into this glass is every pathogen that calls your mouth home, sweet home. Not to mention the visitors who arrive on the dancing tongue of your subtropical girlfriend.

Raj: Hey! That's my sister and my country you're talking about. Leonard may have defiled one, but I won't have you talking smack about the other.

Bernadette: You guys ready to order?

Sheldon: Yes, I'd like a seven-day course of penicillin, some, uh, syrup of ipecac, to induce vomiting, and a mint.

Bernadette: I don't understand.

Howard: He drank from Leonard's glass.

Sheldon: He drank from Leonard's glass. Words they'll be carving into my tombstone.

Leonard: That's actually my napkin.

Sheldon: Oh, this is a nightmare!

Howard: Where are you going?

Sheldon: To the bar, to sterilize my mouth with alcohol. Gang way! Dead man walking!

In the L/N. Missy was sitting next to Y/N in bed. Missy sighed so Y/N asked.

Y/N: Something wrong?

Missy: No.

Y/N: Are you sure? Because today is supposed to be your labor day.

Missy: Oh, that's what today is. I thought something was supposed to happen today.

Y/N: You can't rush it. Georgie will come when he comes.

Missy: I know, it's just that it's taking forever.

She looked at her stomach.

Missy: If you come out today, I promise I'll buy you whatever you want.

Y/N: See he's just not ready yet.

Missy: Well I am. Get out!

In the Cheesecake Factory later on. Bernadette came carrying their drinks.

Bernadette: All right. Here you go. Two lemonades, one iced tea and a root beer for Priya.

Priya: Is it diet?

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