Chapter 8

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Ishika lay down on the bed, her heart heavy. Ujjwal was about to get on the bed when he noticed Ishika's eyes- red.

Ujjwal asked, "Why are your eyes so red?" Ishika flinched, coming out of her thoughts, and lied, "Dust got into my eyes when I went to the store room."

Hearing the sadness in Ishika's voice, Ujjwal comforted her, "Don’t stress about what Shashank might do next. I am here for you. And if you ever feel anxious, just tell me, don’t hesitate, you are my wife."

Hearing "you’re my wife" from Ujjwal made Ishika’s heart bloom like a flower. The weight of a 10kg stone that had been sitting on her heart was lifted with that sentence.

Ishika simply nodded in response.

Ujjwal believed that Ishika was upset about what Shashank might do in the future.

He asked, "How are your OCD and anxiety therapy sessions going?" Ishika replied, "They’re going well."

Just as Ujjwal was about to turn off the lights, Ishika gathered her courage and asked why he hadn’t spoken about their honeymoon yet.

Ujjwal took a couple of seconds and replied that he wasn’t sure if she was comfortable with the idea of a honeymoon.

Ishika thought, so the reasons Sarika and Surbhi gave about Ujjwal not wanting to go on a honeymoon with her were false. Ishika felt lighter. Her heart smiled.

Softly, Ishika asked, "Do you want to go on a honeymoon now?"

Ujjwal responded, "This decision isn’t mine alone. It should be ours."

Ishika felt happy seeing how understanding Ujjwal was.

With her eyes closed, Ishika asked, "Don’t you like being with me?"

Ujjwal said, "I do like being with you. You soothe my heart."

Ishika opened her eyes with happiness.

Ujjwal asked why she was asking such a question, and Ishika simply replied, "Nothing."

Ishika was so happy that she thought she’d turn off the lights, give him a quick kiss on the cheek, and then go to sleep.

And that’s exactly what she did. First, she turned off the light and kissed him. But due to the darkness, she accidentally kissed his lips instead of his cheek.

Realizing what she’d done, Ishika bit her lip in embarrassment. Meanwhile, Ujjwal was confused but enjoyed the kiss. Ujjwal found Ishika's lips soft and exciting.

Ishika felt butterflies in her stomach. They both fell asleep.


(The next morning)

When Ujjwal entered the kitchen, he saw Ishika cooking.

Ujjwal quietly walked up behind her and hugged her. Ishika was startled for a second but quickly relaxed when she smelled Ujjwal’s familiar perfume.

Ujjwal began adjusting Ishika's hair. After fixing her hair, he placed both his hands on her belly. It felt like Ishika’s breath stopped for a moment.

Ujjwal rested his head on her shoulder, and every touch from him made Ishika feel good.

He whispered in her ear, "What did you do last night?"

Ishika, with a deep breath, replied, "I meant to kiss your cheek, but it ended up on your l... lips by mistake."

Ujjwal teased, "A mistake? Well, if it was a mistake, there should be a punishment."

Ishika knew Ujjwal was teasing. In a nervous voice, she asked, "What kind of punishment?"

Ujjwal gently placed his lips on Ishika’s neck. A wave of shivers passed through Ishika's body. Ishika took a deep breath.

Ujjwal turned Ishika around so that her face was now toward him. Ishika was too shy to meet his eyes.

After a couple of moments, she lifted her head to look at him. Ujjwal gazed at her face, and his eyes finally rested on her lips. Ishika understood what he meant.

Just then, the landline rang. Ujjwal picked it up, and on the other end, Mayank said that there was an important matter, and Ujjwal needed to come to the office early. Ujjwal hung up the call and hurried to get ready.

Ishika was annoyed that the call came at such a moment.

Sarika and Surbhi joined Ujjwal and Ishika at the dining table. They all had breakfast together.

Ujjwal whispered to Ishika, "I couldn’t give you your punishment now, but I’ll give it tonight." Ishika lowered her head because their aunts were sitting in front of them.

Ujjwal had spoken in a very low voice, but still, the aunts heard it. Sarika and Surbhi exchanged smirks.

After breakfast, the aunts returned to their home. Ujjwal left for the office, and after a while, Ishika also went to the office.

The whole day, Ishika was extremely happy because Ujjwal said her presence soothed his heart. Before the wedding, she never thought her future husband would ever say something like that to her.

"You are my wife." His voice replayed in her mind every minute. She felt butterflies in her stomach.

Ishika was looking forward to tonight because she felt that Ujjwal would give her a sweet punishment.

Ujjwal and Mayank arrived at the office early because a new client, Saaransh, had received a notice from the income tax department regarding his income tax returns.

Ujjwal had an important discussion with Saaransh over the phone and then began preparing a response to the notice, because due date of response is today itself.


(That night)

Ujjwal asked Ishika, "Are you ready for your punishment?"

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