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Chapter 27


The house was silent. No one spoke. Max still didn't return from the station. The news talked about the whole scene. Elliot's speech was shown repeatedly on the news.

It was three more days until I had to leave. None of us knew how this problem was going to turn out.

Bella's phone finally rang. Lauren, Eli, and I crowded her as she quickly picked it up.

"Max, what's happening right now?" Bella asked him. She was on the nerve of breaking down like I was. Deep inside I already did. I had punched the wall in my room which caused my knucles to bleed.

"Questions? You know she's not capable of answering those fucking questions!" Bella cursed. That meant me. The police wanted to asked me questions from the event last night. I wasn't going to say anything. It was useless.

"Yes. We can." Bella nods.

"Did you give it to him?" Bella sadly says.

"That's the only way for him, huh?" She closes her eyes in pain. A tear falls from her cheek. It must have been sad. I begin to bite my nails. I was curious of what they were talking about. Soon I knew why she shed a tear.

"He never did want to." She manages to say. Bella quickly stood up and grabbed her car keys. She motions us to follow her and get in the car. I can hear Max talking to her, but I just couldn't hear what he was saying. All three of us sit in the back. Lauren was still cry. She starts the car and drives quickly. This is what I called reckless driving.

"Yes, yes, yes. I'm on my way right now!" Bella steps on the brakes which sends our heads forward.

"You make him wait Max! She needs to talk to him, and so does he. I swear to god Max, if he does it right now, I will go on a killing spree! Make him wait." Bella yells at Max over the phone.

Once we got there, Bella didn't mind parking her car correctly. I got out of the car quickly and entered the police station. Inside cops working like crazy. Phones were going haywire. Some were holding stacks of papers. Once I see the guy wearing a burgendy sweater, I called his name. He turns to me and runs to me.

"Ruby!" He grabs my hand. "Elliot wants to talk to you." He begins to lead me deep inside the station. Once we arrive to the room where it Elliot was inside, my heart begins to beat faster. Most of the important deputies were behind the mirror room. They watched Elliot like a hawk.

"Excuse me, I brought the girl who he is demanding to speak to." Max grabs their attention. One of the cops looks at me with pity. I hated when people gave me that look.

"Get her in, Summers." The one in the blue business suit tells him. "By the way, you did good by catching us. Consider yourself the new sheriff of Dark Woods. You start on Monday." The old sheriff smiles proudly at him. Max couldn't believe his ears. He smiled big when the sheriff gave him the uniform and his own gun. Max just couldn't believe it. He was now sheriff of Dark Woods.

He cheated his own way though. Him and Elliot made a deal. He would help Elliot with his needs, and Elliot will help him gain his dream job. It worked. Max got his job and Elliot on the other hand....

The deal was when Elliot killed Caleb, Max would call the cops saying that he had found Blood. That was the only way for Max to become the sheriff of Dark Woods, the youngest one in town's history. He begged and begged for that job, that the only way for him to gain it was by calling the cops on his best friend. Elliot didn't care. He just saw this as benefical to him.

At first, Max was corrput when he was working with Elliot. Later on, he was considered one the best in his job.

I entered the room and quickly Elliot looks up to me. He brings a smile, a happy smile. He stands up from his chair and hugs me tightly.

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