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I stare into the vast woods that was below me. The sky was a beautiful shade of blue with little clouds here and there. It was a cold day, just how I like it.

It was finally the day that I was off to college with Lauren and Eli. The three of us were excited about that. No more Dark Woods for four years and no adults to tell you what to do. I wanted to go to the infamous college parties alone. However, Lauren said I was too innocent for that. If I wanted to go to those parties, I would have to go with her. I was still excited.

"Good bye, woods. I will surely miss you." I walk away from the cliff and go back home. Everyone was waiting for me to return. Just like Elliot said, I will live my life to the fullest.

I finally arrive home to find Lauren and Eli outside with Max and Bella.

"There you are. I was worried about you." Max tells me.

"Don't be." I smile excitedly.

I was excited to go to college. Max and everyone else knew that. I didn't even sleep last night due to fact, that we were burying Elliot's ashes and the excitement of college.

"Please watch her. I don't want her to do anything reckless." Max worried looks at them.

"Don't worry about Ruby, Sheriff! I'll watch her like a hawk!" Lauren happily says. As Eli and Lauren were getting in the van, Max grabs my hand. He pulls me into a tightly hug.

"I'm going to miss you so much!" Max says through the tight hug. He breaks the hug and gives me his serious eyes, "You call me everyday, okay. I need to know if your safe. If you need anything, just dial me up and I'll be there." I nod my head very quickly, accepting his offer.

Next came Bella, who smiles at me brightly. "Good luck, Ruby." She hugs me. I break the hug and walk to the van. As I was about to get in the van, Lauren tells Max something, "Call us when you guys are getting married!!" She happily says.

Max and Bella both blush awkwardly and begin to laugh. I get in the van and buckle my seatbelt. Eli starts the ignition and drives out the drive way. Max and Bella begin to wave at us a goodbye.

"We're getting out of here!!" Lauren happily says. She was sitting in the front next to Eli. This was our permament seating chart. Lauren in the front next to Eli, and I was always in the back. We were all happy that we were getting out of here.

As we drove by the town, the main street was a normal day. It was dirty from yesterday's block party.

"Bastards." Eli curses. A few people glare at us angrily, as we leave town. We were now exiting Dark Woods and into the city. The college was five hours away from town, just perfect.

As we were getting closer to the town's exiting sign, Lynn was standing there waving at us. She smiled at us happily, as we were getting closer and closer. I was the only one that saw her wave at us. As we past her, she winks at me. I quickly turn around and find her gone. Lynn was gone. I back to my seat with a smile, I saw Lynn.

From that moment on, I knew that Dark Woods was a special place. I knew it was different from all the other towns. Dark Woods contained magic. Fifty years later, I was right. It did contain magic.

Eli laughs, "We're out of Dark Woods!!" He happily says. Lauren and I cheer happily along with him.


I enter my dorm and find it quite small. I had seven boxes to unload, and where was I going to fit these boxes. It seemed to me that my dorm buddy hasn't arrived yet.

I begin to take out my new bed cover and place it neatly on the bed.

"Heeelllooo, dorm buddy!!" I turn around to see that my dorm buddy was Lauren. Out of all the girls in this school, they had to pair me up with Lauren. Even Lauren was shocked to see that I was her dorm buddy.

"Hey, dorm buddy." I joked. Lauren sets her five hundred boxes on her side. I'm joking. She only had ten boxes. Most of it was her clothes.

In the end, one side was all pink and the other was all black. It looked so weird, but yet so cool. It fitted us perfectly. We had pillow fights, movie nights, and workout mornings. Eli was forced to be in our workouts. Lauren made him do fifty push ups and a hella of work outs. In the end, it benefited him.

"Whoa, did Barbie vomited on one side and not the other?" Eli enters the room. Behind him was other people entering their new dorms.

"No. I like pink a lot, okay?" Lauren locks up the dorm. In the last five hours we haven't eaten anything. We were all hungry.

"So, I was thinking we should eat pizza?" Eli suggested as we walk out of the dormitory.

"Totally, yeah!" Lauren grabs his hand.

"Hell yeah!" I happily say as I walk next to Eli.

From a far away distance, I see Elliot leaning against the big oak tree. I stop walking as I stand there looking at my deceased boyfriend.

"Elliot..." I whisper.

I was surprised and shock. I was happy that I saw him. He wore his leather jacket like he always did. He looked amazing like he always did.

Elliot smiles at me like he did when I last kissed him. He smiled so happily, that I wanted to run to him. I wanted to kiss him again.

"I love you." I whisper.

He waves at me as he was smiling. Him leaning against the tree looking all dark and mysterious, was his thing. His sharp blue eyes on me.

"C'mon Ruby." Eli brings me back.

"Yeah. I was-"

"We know." Lauren smiles at me, understanding what I just saw. I catch up to them and begin to walk. I look at the tree where Elliot was and he was gone.

A cold breeze comes through me, only me.

"I will always love you, angel." I hear his voice whisper to me as the breeze past.

That was the last time I saw him. There are many things that I will remember, but that was top number one. That last chance that I got to see Elliot was something I called a miracle. I remember that moment everyday, everyday.

From that day on, I lived my life to the fullest like Elliot wanted to. I explored many places and finally came to an end. The world changed drastically over the years, making it more magical. I came back to Dark Woods, just to find everything different. A different good.

Days and days passed quickly. I never forgot about Elliot. I never did.

Yet, I still love him.

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