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Chapter 17


"I'm so thankful of Bella and Lynn staying tonight with Ruby." I tell Max while I'm driving.


I stop at the place where the girls were staying over tonight. I park across the street and find the lights off in the house. "These girls are going to pay." I get out of the car, holding our weapons. Since it was midnight, the street was quiet. There was fog too. Max and I begin to cross the street and find ourselves in front of the house, where the blasting music was.

"Ready?" I ask Max. He returns a swift nod and begins walking to the doorway. I follow him but stop him midway.

"What are doing?" I ask in confusion.

"Just follow my lead, Elliot." He begins to walk and knocks on door. The door opens revealing girls with happy expressions.

"Maxi!!" The main blonde of the group jumps and hugs him. He steps back and returns to hug.

"Amber, how are ya babe?" He lets go of her with a smirk. Amber the blonde was wearing a short pink little sleeping dress. The others were looking at me, while whispering to each other. Behind the girls were other guys talking to each other. It looked more like a slumber party.

"I'm fine. Please come in! We were waiting for you guys." Amber lets us in the house. The music had stopped. The living room was filled with pillows and snacks. I look around the living room.

"So, are we having fun tonight or what?" Max encourages.

"Totally, Maxi. I'm sure, we can have some fun later on." She ends with a seductive smirk on her face. I blink in confusion. Was this his plan-to get a good fuck and than kill her? Damn.

"Elliot, I'm sure you don't remember me, but we were chemistry partners in our sophomore year?" A red headed girl appears next to me.

"I'm sorry?"

"Yeah! You don't remember me?" She smiles with a questioning look.

"Sorry, no." I lied through my teeth. The thing was I did remember her. She was those girls who didn't want sit next to me in my nerdy days. She had disgust written all over her face when we got partnered together.

"Anyways, my name is Sarah!" She introduces her hand with mine.

"In a matter of fact, I do remember you now." I lied with a hint of realization in my voice. She smiles widely at me.

"Yay! I was afraid that you wouldn't actually remember me." Sarah tells me. "Are you really dating Ruby Summers?" She asks me.

"Yeah," Than a plan comes up to my mind, "But I'm sure...she won't find out about tonight." I place my hand on her arm. Times like this would make any girl crazy for me. I always used tricks on girls, which were successful. Sarah begins to look innocent which made my stomach turn in disgust.


"Sarah, you see Ruby doesn't give me any action." I implied. I look at Max who was getting touchy with Amber. She tried to kiss Max, but he would dodge them. I knew this plan was going to be successful. Now, it was turn to play the game. In a flash, he pulls her to her lap and begins to kiss her hard.

"What a shame, Elliot. You're an attractive person, who needs to be treated specially." Sarah's voice was gentle. Our lips crash and begin to move in sync. Her kisses her something like Ruby's. She was harsh and desperate. Ruby was loving and gentle which I love. I kept remembering myself that I was doing this for Ruby.

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