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The next day... 

I entered the house and found Ruby and Lauren talking in the kitchen with Max. I head nodded at Ruby while she gave me a small smile. Lauren left right at the time when I was going to greet her. 


"Max, we need to talk." 

He knew I meant business, so he quickly excused himself from Ruby and took me outside where no one could hear us. We sat down at a table that was next to the pool. Max held a very serious expression because sometimes I brought good or bad news. 

"The police found the body and well, they're pretty pissed." I nodded my head. 

"What are they going to do now?" His eyebrows furrowed.

"Patrol the streets." I answered. Max leaned back to his chair with an hopeless expression. I had a feeling that he wasn't going to love the new I was bringing to him. "Cheer up, Max. We can do this." 

"Obviously, I'm going to help you, Elliot. But what if...you get caught?" 

"I'm not going to get caught." I shot back with confidence. 

"I don't know, Elliot," He uneasily said. "There have been times where you were close to being caught by the police. We wouldn't want to risk it." 

He was right. At the beginning of my killings, there were many times where I was close to being caught by the cops. I've learned through my obstacles on how to easily kill and run away quick. 

"We'll just have to be careful now." I nodded like if this was no big deal. I saw how uneasy he was being which made me have second thoughts on him. "You're not backing away from this are you?" 

"Fuck no. You're part of my family. After all," He smirked. "I have to help my family."

This was why I picked Max to be on my team. He was like the head of our little family and I had no problem with that. 

Max was a hacker. He was great one too. He worked for at the town's police department working on the computers. That's why he brought me some good information. The town's sheriff was going to retire. He made a deal with the town. Whoever brings in Blood-me-would become the next sheriff. Surely, many people tried doing that and failed. Max's dream was to become the town's sheriff, so we made a deal. Whenever I feel that I want to stop killing for good, he would turn me in. However, I wouldn't go behind those bars.

I'd kill myself. 

It was simple as that. I already knew that Bella was going to have a fit on this idea. 

"Thanks man." I was about to leave him when he stopped me.

"Listen, Elliot, I know I've told you many times before that you weren't good enough for my sister." 

"Where are you going with this?" I quickly said with confusion. 

Max had a determined look like if he had made up his mind on something. "I want you to take Ruby on a date night." 


He scoffed at my outburst. "I know you feel something for my sister. So cut the crap of being a heartless killer."

I blinked at him. Was this fucker crazy? He has told me many times to stay away from her because I wasn't good enough for her. I totally understood. I didn't get mad or anything, because I saw Bella as my sister.

"I don't want to hurt her, Max." My eyes trailed up to her window where I saw her laughing with Lauren.

Her smile was everything to me. She looked so beautiful smiling. Lauren was behind her, braiding Ruby's hair. They were both laughing at something. Ruby hid her face in embarrassment.

She was an angel in my eyes. A beautiful angel. She was a princess, my princess. She had always been my angel.

"Ruby likes you, you like her." I brought my eyes back to Max.

"I'm a killer, Max. She's going to hate me when she finds out the truth."

"Ruby never hates anyone. She always brings out the good in people." Before I could say anything, he beat me to it. "I was totally against this before, but now I have changed my mind."

"Max, dude,"

"Go! Hurry up and ask her on a date before I change my mind."


"Thanks for taking me out tonight, Elliot!" Ruby happily thanked me. I couldn't help checking her out. The jeans that she wore made her ass look good.

"Sure." I mumbled. I opened the door for her to enter the movie theater. She thanked me for that and gets in line for the tickets and popcorn.

Ugh, I don't want to be here. I want to be at the town's pub playing pool with guys.

Fucking Max!

I stood next to Ruby and saw girls giggling at me. This is what I get for being so damn attractive.

"I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back, okay!" Ruby told me as we were next in line.


"Hi, what can I get for you?" The cashier asked me for a smile. She was cute, too cute if you ask. She wasn't like my angel.

I began to smile at her, knowing that my smile charms the girls. Maybe, I can get her number so I can fuck her later on. Since, Ruby wasn't here, I took the opportunity.

"Hey..." I looked at her tag, "Amy, I would like a big bag of popcorn with an extra-large soda. I would also like your number so we can hang out sometime." I flirted with her.

Amy laughed, "Coming right up." She got me my order with a post-it attached on the bag of popcorn. On it, it had her number with a smiley face.

"So, uh, what movie do you want to see?"

"I want to see Guardians of the Galaxy for two." She handed me the tickets, while bringing her big tits in the view.


"Just call me anytime, and I'm sure we'll have some fun." She winked at me. Wow.

Ruby came out of the restroom looking beautiful as always. "Hey, you got us the tickets."

"Yes, I did." I told her a bit proudly that I got Amy's number.

"Great, let's go in!" She smiled happily as we entered the dark theater. How many times have I hooked up with girls at the theaters?

Countless of times.

I had the post-it saved on my pocket. I was happy. I picked two seats in the last row where no one can disturb us. Since the place was lonely with only a few people sitting in the front, I had my chance to score something.

I saw Ruby struggling in her seat with the big popcorn bag in her hands.

"You can always sit on my lap, Angel. I wouldn't mind." I innocently told her.

"No thanks, I'm fine." She politely denied my wonderful offer.

All throughout the movie, we played a game of keeping hands to ourselves. I would slide my hand up on her thigh. I loved seeing her tensed up. I got close to her area a multiple of times, but she would grab my hand and place it on on my lap.

She wasn't like the rest of the girls. My angel was the only one.

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